Forum Replies Created
You need to edit nggstyle.css file for these. Suggested option today is to copy this file into ../wp-content/ngg_styles folder and edit the file here.
For imagebrowser, find the sections starting with .ngg-imagebrowser … and edit these, using standard CSS code and syntax either manually or in WP admin at Gallery–> Other Options –> Styles. These edits are applicable only to the elements that imagebrowser currently supports.
But if you want to add e.g. new fields to display within imagebrowser, you should know NGG internal naming. I do not suggest trying that, since you need to understand how NGG uses different variables etc.
Hope this helps.
Works fine, thanks.
Some translated texts that worked with some earlier version do not seem to work anymore, at least:
– on overview page the text after “Pay Attention” ie. “third parties plugins…”
– also on overview page the text under “Translation” – ie. “This translation is not yet updated for Version 1.9.0…”Also NextCellent Gallery admin throws errors (warnings) if you go to “Styles”, regardless of whether you are using the default css setting or ../ngg-styles folder. Probably due to the same sw change.
Thanks ??
@niknetniko: no need to download, the original translation is mine anyway ??
@WpGetReady: hope you find a way to guarantee packing of correct language files. Hope also this is not concerning too many users ??I have installed NextCellent 1.9.21 on three sites now, all running WP 4.0 in its “native” Finnish version ie. using language code “fi”, not “fi_FI” ! (Finnish is spoken only in Finland you know, thus only the language code (fi) and no country code (FI).
WP 4.0 works fully in Finnish as did the previous NextCellent version, but not ..21. Finnish language file in …/lang folder is totally wrong having a wrong appendix and prefix (nggallery-fi_FI.po -the edit file). The correct language files should have .mo prefix and copying file into ../lang folder corrects the problem. It looks like for German both .mo and .po files are there and for Russian (Russia) .mo file, but not the correct Finnish file.
PS. this is not the first time NextCellent uses the wrong appendix for Finnish language, and does not support at least this language ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] Backup wont finish@daniel: your latest code (3.1.3. beta6) seemed to do the job ALMOST correctly. No longer a text “ERROR: Aborted by user!…” – but this was run manually, not with WP cron timing so maybe the “abort” would happen differently on cron-based run.
The first attempt to upload the TarGz file into Dropbox resulted in an error () after ok. authentication and starting the upload. The second automatically started upload was however ok, but the result was an e-mail with two error messages.
Hope this helps fix the problem with Dropbox upload ??
Seems like your backup has succeeded, and the increase into script execution time has lowered the number of “restarts” to less than half of what you had before.
The main problem remaining seems to be with the “Use of undefined constant user_level – assumed user_level” while uploading the backup to Dropbox. I do not have time now to dig into this, but maybe someone else would know why this undefined constant is assumed to have the same name over and over again. Weird.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] Backup wont finish@daniel: sorry, I found the “Download ZIP” from Github and will give this version a try.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] Backup wont finish@daniel: for using the version in Github – do I need to copy all folders & files from that location OR just some of the folders/files OR is there somewhere a zipped package available?
It seems your job has finalized with a backup, but check your Dropbox really having the backup file.
The one thing I do not understand is REDUCING the script execution time. I would INCREASE it as many of your “Restarts” are due to the script execution time limit exceeded. I do no see what harm you would get by setting the script execution time to e.g. 60 secs.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] Backup wont finishI’m not sure wether the reason for my recent (a few months) experience has been the backup job resulting in errors, even though the actual backup seems to be ok. I get the following message:
[25-May-2014 03:54:40] One old log deleted [25-May-2014 03:54:40] Job done in 3187 seconds. [25-May-2014 03:57:15] WARNING: unlink(/home/tiirikainen/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-573416-temp/backwpup_8c8d96_2014-05-25_03-01-33.tar): No such file or directory [25-May-2014 03:57:15] ERROR: Aborted by user! [25-May-2014 03:57:15] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 3342 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.
Previously there was an error due to database check but now it produces no errors. The only error is “Aborted by user!” even though this is an automated backup during local nighttime – and the backup looks like being ok in my Dropbox.
Maybe this has someting to do with new WP versions or something else in WP setup? I use the latest 3.1.12 version of BackWPUp.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextCellent Gallery - NextGEN Legacy] How to use code for lighbox effectThe drop-down menu with a lightbox option is to enable certain lightbox effects. The only ones that really work out-of-the-box with NextCellent are “Shutter” and “Thickbox”. Both of these are actually “lightbox effects”, just having different display layouts. I would encourage first to try these to guarantee you do not have any conflicts with other plugins or WordPress setup.
The other options, like “lightbox” in the drop down menu will work, but you need to provide the appropriate code yourself. This requires much more knowledge with javascript and css than using an external plugin instead. Have a look at ../wp-content/plugins/nextcellent-gallery-nextgen-legacy/shutter folder for the code used for “shutter” efect to check if you really would like to do that. Changing only the css file you may have a different layout for NextCellent Gallery’s “shutter” display ??
When you use an external lightbox plugin (which should support NGG / NextCellent!), you need to select “none” from the effects drop-down menu and then activate your lightbox plugin. Most NGG-supporting lightbox plugins have options to show a lightbox for page/post images and galleries so you need also to have make sure you also have set these right.
Hope this helps going forward.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextCellent Gallery - NextGEN Legacy] How to use code for lighbox effectLike in NextGEN legacy (ie. versions up to 1.9.13) there have been only two lightbox effects that work out-of-the-box with NextCellent.
These two are “thickbox” and “shutter”, so try if these are enough for you.
If you want to have more and different lightbox effects, set “Effects” to none and use an external lightbox plugin. When you have set lightbox effects to none in Nextcellent, all images should follow the external (compatible) lightbox plugin settings.
I currently use “Lightbox Plus ColorBox” which has several templates to choose from for the display, and with some CSS knowledge you can easily build your own lightbox.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextCellent Gallery - NextGEN Legacy] Moving from NGG 2.6.3 to NextcellentAlso note that some but not all albums may be totally empty (no galleries in the album) after you switch from NGG 2.0.6x to NextCellent. This has at least happened to me both on a live web site and local testsite, both having 100+ galleries and also albums which include albums, not galleries (ie. nested albums).
You can check this of course by NextCellent admin –> manage albums, and may need to rebuild the empty albums from scratch.