@berniemann @sc0ttkclark Thank you sooo much for sorting this out! I signed up here to let you know because it helps a lot. I am a little embarressed, that it was only unchecking one checkbox (Adjust IDs for multilingual functionality). I think a lot of people are struggling with this issue: Content of relationship fields won’t show up.
I will describe my case for others, having trouble with this:
custom post types “book” & “person”, both in the WPML setting set to “translate, if availible, if not show original” (or something like this)
the book has got a relationship field where I can select from person.
In the loop of of book when I now print my $post->person, IT WORKS and prints an array BUT when I changed to my other language the $post->person is just EMPTY.
Solution: unchecking the checkbox “Adjust IDs for multilingual functionality” in WPML -> Languages
Now in both languages is works!