Forum Replies Created
Hi Sharon, This sounds like an issue with the images to me. One thing you might double check is the pixel dimensions of the image that is giving you problems. Generally speaking, it should be the same as the space it is going to fill, and the same as the others in the series.
I looked at your home page and didn’t see any problem either,
best, Vernon
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Changing WP and Site Address through General SettingsHi, You want to change them both, so it looks like this:
WordPress Address:
Site Address: https://www.mydomain.comIf you post the actual domain names, or send them to me at vernonhorn at gmail, I’ll double check the DNS settings for you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Error on Every post Line 20Yes, I think it is almost certainly the theme. How committed to this theme are you? If your site isn’t too complicated, and you want to let me into the backend, I can try to duplicate the site on a development server and see if I can get the theme to install correctly.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Error on Every post Line 20Hi, I’d start by deactivating any plugins one at a time, and refreshing the home page to see if that makes the problem stop. You might do the same thing with the theme as well.
As for SFTP and SSH, you’ll definately want to consult with Digital Ocean tech support if you need more then the basic information that what they offer here on SSH and here on FTP
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Changing WP and Site Address through General SettingsHi, I appreciate your nervousness and caution with this! But, I think you definitely want to do this through the dashboard:
Settings -> General -> WordPress Address (URL): I’ve used this setting when moving sites and haven’t had any problem. If the current value of the setting contains your temporary url, then I’m doubly sure of it.Also, you want to make sure about your DNS settings, you can open a terminal window and ping both urls. ie “ping” and “ping tempurl” — if they resolve to the same IP, you should be set to go.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Issue with 4.1 automatic update on Server 2012 R2You may want to check the permissions on each individual sub-directory that it wants to use. Also, it isn’t supposed to be like this, but, I’d swear that there have been times when I’ve had to restart Windows 2008 servers to get security permission changes to apply.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pingback, Trackback not workingI’m sorry to report that after consulting with, I learned that they do not support pingbacks and trackbacks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pingback, Trackback not workingHi, I’m going to try and set up a trackback and a ping back from my blog at and see if we can figure out what is going on.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Dashboard Wp-Admin MissingHi, It could be a permissions issue. Check your role settings in bbpress and see if you are a “participant” and if so, you want to kick it up to admin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Dashboard Wp-Admin MissingHi, What version of WP are you using?
Try disabling all your plugins. If that brings it back, re enable the plugins one at a time until it disappears again.
Let me know if that helps.