here are details about the error.
– accessed the blog through the main url, and the message is shown: “It doesn’t look like you’ve installed WP yet. Try running install.php”
– Clicking install.php then gives this message: “Already Installed
You appear to have already installed WordPress. To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.”
– checked the PHPAdmin database, and it only 4 (whereas the normal should be 10) tables were present, and Errors such as “cannot find wp_options.MYI”
I’ve resolved this by removing the whole database and creating a new one. I could not restore the original entries because the actual owner did not have a backup. (I was only asked to see what’s wrong with it)
Now for that fix that restricts access to the wp-config.php… will that prevent the file from being downloaded using a website downloader? (you can grab a freeware on that can download websites, depending on its security setup).