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  • Send does not seem to work at all, Plugin or not, unless you add it in seperate code to the ‘Like’ button. Seems redundant when I should be able to add them both in one iFrame.



    Hey guys. Not too sure what is happening with your sites but here is the code that got post thumbnails working on mine.

    This is in my functions.php file. Note the resource credit, you can visit that site for more info if this is still muddy:

    // Switching on support for post thumbnails/lead images - WordPress 2.9 onward.
      add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
      add_image_size( 'single-post-thumbnail', 560, 372 ); // Inner post image dimensions

    This is in my code where I need it. My view (list of articles):

    <?php if ( function_exists( 'add_theme_support' ) ) : ?>
      <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) : ?>
        <div class="postthumb">
          <?php the_post_thumbnail('thumbnail'); ?>
      <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    This is for the single post:
    <?php the_post_thumbnail( 'single-post-thumbnail' ); ?>

    I would rather not just post all of my code snippets up on here, but I obviously didn’t write the best how to in the couple of minutes that I blasted that up. This seems like the quickest way to show how I got it working. If after this and the bits I mentioned above, it still doesn’t work, I unfortunately cannot help you guys. Sorry.

    Please let me know how you make out with this.

    What version of WP are you using rpophessagr? I found that anything within 3.0+ doesn’t crop using the add_image_size( 'featured', 200, 225, true ); statement. It’s almost as if it is being called to late??

    Instead you can head to the Settings>Media area and adjust the thumbnail dimensions within there. Then upload an image to your post and you will see your specified dimension on the ‘thumbnail’ radio button.

    Good luck. I wish someone had posted this when I was trying to work it out. But now I am attempting to help others. Hope this works for you.

    Hey all. After many hours spent trying to get this to work, I was finally successful! The issue that I have found is that it appears in WP 3.0+ the add_image_size is called too late.

    In order to get it to work within my dev version for a clients new blog, I simply turned on support for the thumbs using add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ); within the functions.php. Then set it within the index.php using <?php the_post_thumbnail('thumbnail'); ?>.

    After this you need to go to the Settings>Media and set the thumbnail size to the dimensions that you wish for it to have. I hope that this speeds up someone elses process because this is much to time consuming and there is a real lack of accurate documentation within the codex—quite dissappointing really.

    I too am having the exact same issue. When attempting to import an old WordPress blogs content to the new development site I receive the error message “Invalid file. Please upload a valid WXR (WordPress eXtended RSS) export file.”

    This makes no sense to me. The blog that I am exporting from is WordPress Version 2.8.6 and the new development site is WordPress 3.0.3. One query that I have, which I cannot find information on, is that I am attempting to upload this to the local version of the site. Is that an issue?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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