Hi curtis, thanks for replying
it’s still the same ??
Here’s the scenario for further understanding
Supposed the blog has a total of 30 blog posts, and the author Ven Francis has 15. If you can see on my variable, i did set the post_per_page value to 5. And on Kreisi’s function it has the range of 2. (please visit the link to his code to further figure it out) So what it has to happen is that, pagination should show 5 page-buttons
[c] [2] [3] [>] [>>]
where [c] is the current… [3] and [>>] is the last page(3rd page). But what is happening on my situation is that, when you hover the [>>] it shows /page/6
and i think it’s getting the total number of posts of the blog.
And if you click on 3(3rd page). It will still show the 4,5 and [>>] and it should not. like below illustration
[<<] [<] [1] [2] [c] [4] [5] [>] [>>]
I hope you understand the scenario and the problem. Thanks again and God bless!