11 years ago
OK I’ve had a rethink on the problem and after some head scratching I’m going back to linking spreadsheet tables for the time being. Tempted by the idea of code revision but not quite up to that yet. Thanks again.
Mark many thanks for the reply. Going to work on the changes this evening and I’ll update you on the result.
11 years, 10 months ago
Realised too late that it would be helpful if I included some code: img alt=”” src=”” usemap=”#mappedimage” width=”920″ height=”300″ border=”5″ />
<map name=”mappedimage”> <area title=”Conversion from Cine to Digital” alt=”Conversion from Cine to Digital” coords=”321,2,526,136″ shape=”rect” href=”” />
<area title=”Processing and Printing” alt=”Processing and Printing” coords=”635,79,73″ shape=”circle” href=”” /> </map> < we do>