Hi, @frier!
Everything else shows just fine. I have editors added to some books, and all of the books are public, but for some reason just the editors information doesn’t show.
In the custum publication list i’m using what I mentioned earlier and this is the structure i’m suing for the publication list: [publications auth=all subj=all prep=all]
Here is an example of how one of the publications appear, and you can see how, in the place where the editors should show, just two comas appear (before the number of pages):
Vigier Moreno, F., Calvo E. (2018). La Interpretación en los Servicios Públicos en Andalucía: Una década bajo la lupa. Panorama de la traducción y la interpretación en los servicios públicos espa?oles: una década de cambios, retos y oportunidades. , , (13-29). Granada: Comares
Thank you for your quick response.