Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Active Directory Integration] Bulk import not workingHi Stéphane,
I had the same problem and I solved it unchecking the checkbox “Append account suffix to new created usernames. If checked…” in the “User” tab at the “Active Directory Integration Settings”.Cheers,
Vagner.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Enigma] How to slow down blog post rotation on home pageIt now actually rotates at every 2 seconds.
I could change it by editing the javascript function in the file \wp-content\themes\enigma\js\carouFredSel-6.2.1\caroufredsel-element.js.
This function calls what seems to be a jQuery method with several attributes. One of them is timeoutDuration which is set to 2000 (milliseconds). Just set it as 15000 or how long you want it to hold until the next move.The scroll attributes shall be like below:
scroll : {
items : 1,
duration : 2000,
timeoutDuration : 20000
‘Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Enigma] Menu still not working on version 1.6.1weblizar, just to summarize, we still have two issues not solved or bypassed in this thread:
1. BUG: The second level menu still doesn’t work on medium sized devices, like tablets.
Note: We were able to make them work on small devices, like mobile phones, by commenting the line “;”, as I stated above.2. IMPROVEMENT: Some users would like to be able to make the first level of the menu clickable even where there is a second level. I understand that you choose this behavior as standard for the theme, so please, let them know if it is possible to customize this behavior or not, and if so, how to do it.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Enigma] Menu still not working on version 1.6.1Hi guys,
after a long time over this issue, I have just found a workarround:
– In menu.js file, comment the line;
byadding 2 slash characters before it. It shall looks like bellow.11: if (bMobile) { 12: // Disable hover events for mobile 13: //; 14: } else {
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Enigma] Menu still not working on version 1.6.1PanHaza,
1. Make sure your theme version is 1.6.1.
2. Open menu.js in notepad.
3. Find the lines bellow (should be lines 2 and 3):jQuery(‘.nav li.dropdown’).click(function() { jQuery(this).addClass(‘open’); } });
jQuery(‘ul.dropdown li.dropdown-submenu’).click(function() { jQuery(this).addClass(‘open’); } } );
4. By the end of each line, you will find two “}” characters. Just delete one of those “}” characters from each line.
5. Save the file.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Enigma] Menu still not working on version 1.6.1Guys,
thanks to lguislain’s fix above, the menu now opens on computer screens on version 1.6.1. Thanks lguislain.The issue remains on small screens. The sub-menus still don’t show up on mobile.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Enigma] Menu still not working on version 1.6.1Hello weblizar,
Sorry, but what you mean as “current version”? 1.6.1? As I told you before, the submenu is not working at all in version 1.6.1. I have just downloaded and applied to test again. The second level menu is NOT opening in any screen size.
I am using WordPress 4.0.1.I appreciate your effort to fix this issue ASAP.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Active Directory Integration] Map AD groups to WordPress GROUPSHi,
Still at the same point here.