@codeastrology I’m sorry, please try this video link: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/3iSpagQpd6gvyyjxn2TZoS
It shows everything that’s happening. At the moment, we have to force people to update their quantities on the cart, but the main issue is the popup.
the next link I’ll provide shows what you requested on the product:
1) Product link: https://www.mantoncork.com/24-x-36_cork_sheets/%c2%bc-thick-cork-sheet-24-x-36/
2) Screenshot of rules: https://prnt.sc/1lp0v9m
3) Screenshot of popup cart: https://prnt.sc/1lp1edw <- popup cart does use a plugin: WooCommerce Cart popup premium
To add, Your plugin and the popup plugin used to work flawlessly.
Also to add, we are using the recent plugin update.