10 years, 6 months ago
You’re welcome ??
[email protected]
Hi. Could you describe your problem better? Is Danish language displayed at language widget?
You could move your site to root directory (to avoid path like if you want to fix it now. But i will fix it soon.
Please look for PHP errors on your server.
10 years, 7 months ago
Is it related to qTranslate?
Please view your web server logs and send me errors.
Could you give me admin access?
I’ve found the problem and will fix it soon. Thanks for the assistance.
Hi. Could you give mr access to your site’s admin page? If no, please open developer tools (F12) and look for any JS errors.
Hi. Just disable qTranslate and install and enable zTranslate.
Depends on menu type.
I understand. But i need to know where you change the menu in admin part.
Please make a screenshot of admin page where you can edit this menu.
I can see that both titles and content changing when i change the site language.