AAM Plugin
Forum Replies Created
@akxak thank you for the message. Looks like you had a corrupted AAM version. This class was removed in the latest AAM release and all the references to it as well. We do not know the true reason, but sometimes, when WordPress updates a plugin or theme, not all files get updated. This can be related to file permissions on a server. Try to reinstall AAM from the official WP repository and that should do the trick. If that does not help, FTP to your server and remove advanced-access-manager folder and install AAM again.
@ulinn, nope. We’ve migrated all our content to https://aamportal.com about 2 year ago.
You can actually protect your PDF files or any other files on your WordPress site with AAM Protected Media files add-on. Check this article to learn more https://aamportal.com/article/introduction-to-aam-protected-media-files-addon. The only tricky part is to properly define redirect rules for your website. Other than that it is straight forward process.
Depending on the scale of your restrictions you may or may not need our premium add-on. Try to restrict one file and you’ll know better if premium add-on is needed for you.
Thank you for the report. Based on the error, I can tell that one of the plugins or theme that is active on your site is not following WordPress standards and breaks the Admin Toolbar menu.
The problem is with one of the items that has property “title”. This property has to contain a string, instead it has an array of some values. This is not a correct way to register custom admin toolbar item.
We are going to adjust our code to work with corrupted admin menu items, but I would suggest to deactivate each plugin on your site one-by-one to find out which one causes the troubles. This way we can reach out to plugin owners and see if they can resolve this issue on their end.
@michelledodd thank you for your question.
First of all, any URL that start with
cannot be accessed by unauthenticated user. Yes, they can enter URL in browser likehttps://mywebsite.com/wp-admin/upgrade.php
, but that has no harm to your website.However, if you’d like to restrict these endpoints or redirect visitors elsewhere, you can actually do this BUT with some additional steps. The challenge with endpoints like
is that when they are triggered, WordPress core does not load any plugins or themes. It skips this step because the above endpoint declare a global constant “WP_INSTALLING” which signals to WordPress core to load only its own core and nothing else.The exception is only for the Must-Use Plugins. So, if you really want to protect the above endpoints, follow these additional steps:
- Create a new folder
and then create a new fileadvanced-access-manager.php
. - Inside this file enter the following code:
* Copyright (C) Vasyl Martyniuk <[email protected]>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (defined('ABSPATH')) {
require_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/advanced-access-manager/aam.php';
}From this point on, any access rules that you define with URL Access service will be enforced.
@modima sure, you can restrict access to any admin menu or even individual URL on your entire WordPress website for any user, role or visitors. AAM comes with several services that can help with this task.
You can even enable the restricted mode where everything is restricted by default and you allow only few items on your website to specific users.
Few articles that you can read about this:
- https://aamportal.com/article/streamlining-wordpress-backend-menu-access
- https://aamportal.com/article/understanding-backend-menu-restricted-mode-feature
- https://aamportal.com/article/understanding-admin-toolbar-restricted-mode-feature
- https://aamportal.com/article/managing-access-to-wordpress-website-urls
Hello @sagescrub. We worked with @ignitionmedia offline to understand the root cause and found that the root cause is in the fact that one of the database option
, AAM uses to store access controls was corrupted. Based on the type of corruption, it appears that the raw value was manually modified in database directly.You have two options here:
- You can send us ([email protected]) the export of your
database table to us. We need only values that start withaam_
prefix. This way we can help to identify the corruption and instruct how to fix it. - You can manually delete the
option from the DB and this will solve the problem.
@cnmcomunicazione I think we’ve discussed this issue already in the email thread. The edge case was identified and implemented in AAM 6.9.36 release.
I’m closing this thread and if any issues, feel free to reopen it.
Hello @stephunique. Thank you for the details. Please check this Q&A https://aamportal.com/question/how-to-solve-the-datatabes-warning.
Please also check your PHP error log and identify if there are any errors that may break Ajax calls. That’ll probably will help you to identify the root cause.
@nitrospectide thank you for the report. Can you please let me know the capability that you are trying to assign? It is quite possible that it is some custom capability that is not following WordPress core standards. The correct capability slug should contain only lowercase letters, numbers and underscore. So, I’m suspecting that the capability that you have deviates from this pattern.
@gr1f a few reasons why this may not work:
- Do you have premium add-on installed and activated? The wildcard rule is the premium feature.
- Did you define access rules for the right access level? In our case you should define all access controls to Visitors.
- Do you have any caching enabled on your website? It is possible that all your pages are simply cached and in this case you need to purge it.
@lauramartin we are adding this feature https://github.com/aamplugin/advanced-access-manager/issues/406. It appears to be a bug when premium add-on is enabled.
@lauramartin, hm. When you select to “clone” a role, the only thing that AAM does is pre-populates the “Inherit Capabilities From” drop-down. This allows to copy only capabilities to newly created role.
In the current AAM version you can only either copy capabilities form another role or make that role as a parent role. There is no functionality to clone also settings.
We may consider addition this feature in the next AAM release 6.9.35 or 7.0.0
@stephunique it appears that either you may have outdated OS or browser version. The AAM AI chatbot is using shadow DOM to render the experience.
If you have the ability to get to AAM “Settings” page, you should be able to deactivate the AAM AI Chatbot service.
We also are going to disable this service by default in upcoming AAM release 6.9.35
@kinkmobile probably the best way to find out is to check your browser dev console and see what is coming back from RESTful API request.
I’ve just tried to replicate the issue without any luck. You can also try to export all AAM settings on the AAM “Settings” page and send to us the JSON file. Also let me know the name and/or slug of the role that you are trying to create when you clone the admin role.
Use [email protected] for the export file.
- Create a new folder