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  • Thread Starter Václav Greif


    thanks for great support.

    Is there a button when browsing a product to go to specific pricing for that product?

    I mean I would find editing all the prices on one screen much more user-friendly than having to enter product on one screen and than go to another plugin to add a specific price…

    Am I missing something?


    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    Thanks for this plugin! It’s still one step more from what I would need (I have to count the discount, instead of just entering the specific price), but so far it’s the only solution I found at all.

    Also, is the discount applied before or after adding the tax? I ask, because I usually need to show price with tax for regular customers, and without tax for VIP…

    Is it possible to import price rules from csv?

    If I manage to solve this issue, there’s no reason for messing with Prestashop…:-)

    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    ?? Ok, short and exact answer…

    I did something like this:

    $wpdb->dmtable = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'domain_mapping';
            // if new domain is, set active status to 0
            if ($new_domain_host == '') {
                $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->dmtable} SET active = %d WHERE blog_id = %s", 0, get_current_blog_id()));
            // if record for this blog doesn't exist yet, insert it
            elseif ( null == $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT domain FROM {$wpdb->dmtable} WHERE blog_id = %d", get_current_blog_id()) )) {
                $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->dmtable} ( blog_id, domain, active ) VALUES ( %d, %s, %d )", get_current_blog_id(), $new_site_url, 1) );
            // else update the record
            else {
                $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->dmtable} SET blog_id = %d, domain = %s, active = %d WHERE blog_id = %s", get_current_blog_id(), $new_site_url, 1, get_current_blog_id()));

    Seems to work fine for what I need…

    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    I think I solved this by adding:

    $sc_access_token = $_REQUEST['social_connect_access_token'];

    And than later saving the value, when the user is created


    I also found a way to save the extended access token (works only with the new Facebook SDK). I’m passing the user’s Facebook ID into this function

    function get_extended_token ($fb_user_id) {
        //facebook application configuration
                require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '\lib\facebook-php\src\facebook.php' );
            catch(Exception $o){
        $config = array(
            'appId' => 'aaa',
            'secret' => '12345',
            'allowSignedRequest' => false // optional but should be set to false for non-canvas apps
        $facebook = new Facebook($config);
        if($user_id) {
            global $current_user;
            try {
                $access_token = get_user_meta($current_user->ID,'facebook_token',true);
                $access_token = $facebook->getAccessToken();
            } else {

    Not sure where this code should be put in Social Connect…

    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    This is difficult to do upgrade safe, as I don’t see a way to change the connect.js dynamically.

    Maybe you could help?

    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    I managed to make the getUser function work, but still I wasn’t able to get the extended access token. Anyoneo would know how to get it?


    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    For anyone neeeding this, I changed the scope in media/js/connect.js, like'' + client_id + '&redirect_uri=' + redirect_uri + '&scope=publish_actions,user_birthday,user_hometown,email',

    Than I just added saving of these fields, like

    $sc_birthday = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($fb_json->{ 'birthday' }));
                $sc_hometown = preg_replace('/^([^,]*).*$/', '$1', $fb_json->hometown->{ 'name' });

    and later

    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    Found out how to do this, I put following code on my ‘Thanks for registration page’:

    <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                $.ajaxSetup({ cache: true });
                $.getScript('//', function(){
                        appId: '123456'
                    FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
                        if (response && response.status === 'connected') {
                            FB.logout(function(response) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                    location.href = "<?php echo get_site_url()?>/";

    Might be nice feature to add to core…

    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    Also, after I login with SC into WordPress, the getUser() function still returns 0. Is there any way that could be fixed?

    $config = array(
            'appId' => '12225',
            'secret' => '4f045612',
            'allowSignedRequest' => false // optional but should be set to false for non-canvas apps
    $facebook = new Facebook($config);
    $user_id = $facebook->getUser();
    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    I mean, I think adding something like:

    function sc_social_connect_process_login( $is_ajax = false, $link_account = false ) {

    and later:

    } elseif ( $link_account ) {
    		update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), $sc_provider_identity_key, $sc_provider_identity );
    		$user_data  = get_userdata( get_current_user_id() );
    		$user_login = $user_data->user_login;
    } elseif ( $user_id = email_exists( $sc_email ) && !$link_account) { // User not found by provider identity, check by email
    		update_user_meta( $user_id, $sc_provider_identity_key, $sc_provider_identity );
    		$user_data  = get_userdata( $user_id );
    		$user_login = $user_data->user_login;

    Than it should be enough to just pass the $link_account = true to the function somehow, when clicked on the link account button (these might be the same as the sc login button, only with some class).

    Not sure if that helps…:-)

    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    It would be of course possible to store $_SESSSION variable “account-link” to check if the user wants to link accounts, but I’m pretty sure there has to be easier way to pass something to the sc_social_connect_process_login function…

    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    Hmm, should be quite easy, adding something like

    elseif ( $action == "link_account" ) {
    		update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), $sc_provider_identity_key, $sc_provider_identity );
    		$user_data  = get_userdata( get_current_user_id() );
    		$user_login = $user_data->user_login;

    should do that, I think. I just don’t know how to pass the “action” variable.. Could you help me?

    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    Thanks – are you planning to add this feature, or should I try to hack it together myself?

    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    Done, for anyone interested, I set up 3 shipping modes:

    Local pickup in place 1
    Local pickup in place 2
    Shipping via post

    2 Countries, CZ and SK, and set proper zones/prices.

    I used position:absolute; in CSS to display the whole div where I need it.

    Thanks for great support.

    Thread Starter Václav Greif


    Almost got it working, the only thing remaining is I would need to display the shipping options on the right of the form – any hints how to do that? Thanks!

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