Václav Greif
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WebP Express] WP CLI Support for bulk convertVery cool, thanks!
Napi?te nám prosím adresu va?eho webu na [email protected].
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Feature request: free shipping for PacketaHi, you can get an addon that supports this and much more: https://wpify.io/cs/produkt/wpify-woo-conditional-shipping/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [License Manager for WooCommerce] Github repo?Sure. There are two main issues:
– polluting the posts table
– polluting the meta tableMost of the plugins, including Woocomerce, use CPT and meta for storing the data. Lots of clients use ACF to store additional data. I worked on many sites with more than 10 million of meta rows, querying that is really slow and impossible to optimize. That’s why WooCommerce started to develop (and unfortunately not finished) switching to flat tables.
For anything data heavy, CPT and metadata is a bad structure,and I don’t see any real advantage of doing that, except of the fact that with CPT you don’t have to develop custom ui.
M??ete prosím zkousit p?idat je?tě jednu zemi, jestli se tím problém vy?e?í? Díky
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [License Manager for WooCommerce] Github repo?Hi Drazen,
thanks for the details. Price is no issue, but I’m strictly against CPT for licenses. We started with your plugin specifically because it doesn’t use CPT.The main goal here should be performance and scalability. We need to support hundreds of thousands licenses, and using CPT for this is a very bad idea and a dealbreaker for anything larger than few thousands licenses.
VáclavDobry den,
máte v pokladně pole pro vyběr země?Hezky den
Václav GreifForum: Plugins
In reply to: [License Manager for WooCommerce] Github repo?Hi Drazen, thanks for the update. I’ll be happy to pay for the PRO version of the plugin, do you have any timeline on when it will be available?
VáclavForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WebP Express] WP CLI Support for bulk convertHere’s a complete version that warks well for me and includes a simple progress bar:
if ( class_exists( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { require_once 'class.webp-express-cli.php'; \WP_CLI::add_command('webp_express', '\WebPExpress\BackgroundConvert'); //\WebPExpress\CliInit::init(); }
<?php namespace WebPExpress; class BackgroundConvert extends \WP_CLI_Command { public function bgconvert($args, $assoc_args) { $config = Config::loadConfigAndFix(); $arr = BulkConvert::getList($config); foreach ( $arr as $group ) { $count = count($group['files']); $progress = \WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar( sprintf('Converting %s files', $count), $count ); $files = array_reverse($group['files']); foreach ( $files as $key => $file ) { $path = trailingslashit($group['root']). $file; \WP_CLI::log(sprintf('%s/%s : %s', $progress->current(), $count, $path)); $progress->tick(); Convert::convertFile($path); } $progress->finish(); } } }
- This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Václav Greif.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Subscription + ZásilkovnaDobry den,
díky za zprávu. Problém je, ?e je v pokladně v tomto scéná?i více p?eprav. PLugin pro Zásilkovnu s tím nepo?ítá, a musel by se dělat poměrně zásadní záasah do logiky, aby byl tento scéná? podporován.Podpora tohoto je plánována, ale nedoká?eme slíbit ani p?ibli?ny termín.
Pokud máte zájem o urychlení realizace, napi?te nám prosím na [email protected]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Testovací re?im – ZásilkovnaDobry den,
ne, jak jsem psal, nic se automaticky neodesílá, pro odeslání do Zásilkovny je pot?eba kliknout na tla?ítko nebo vybrat hromadnou akci v p?ehledu objednávek.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Testovací re?im – ZásilkovnaDobry den, do Zásilkovny se automaticky nic neodesílá, co p?esně by to za?krtávátko mělo vypnout?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [License Manager for WooCommerce] Github repo?March is the time when it went down. Hope he’s well and will come back here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [License Manager for WooCommerce] Github repo?@botprophet Yes, in the git repo there was a branch with almost complete subscriptions support, but the repo seems to be gone now..:/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Vynimky pre kategórie/produkty$product->get_category_ids()
je standardní metoda WooCommerce pro získání kategorií produktu, tak?e pokud by se někdy v budoucnu změnil zp?sob, jak se ve Woo ukládají kategorie, bude fungovat stále. Na 99.9% se to nestane, ale je v?dycky vyhodněj?í vyu?ívat nativního API WooCommerce..:-)