Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-Typography] Problem with image layoutsYes, I use WPBakery for that (came with the premium theme I have).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stock Manager for WooCommerce] import/export problemI am also getting the same error. Will be following to get a fix for this.
Fatal error: Class 'WCM_Stock' not found in /home/r189397/domains/ on line 96
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Shortcode for stock status as textThis works! Thank you so much, you’ve helped me tremendously!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Shortcode for stock status as textThank you for replying!
It might be what I need but now here comes the sad part of me not understanding how PHP works: if I replace this
return $_product->get_stock_quantity();
with this
echo $_product->get_availability();
then it will simply not work and some array error comes to play. How would I correct the shortcode part of the code to make it write the result on the page via the shortcode?I highly appreciate any assistance.
Excellent! Works like a charm! Thank you so much for this. You made the “almost a fit” plugin into a “prettty good fit” plugin for me. Cheers! ??
I will second this request. I managed to modify the yellow box (though I did simply comment out the exclamation mark image but if someone know how to disable it by code would be nice). But as for moving it below the image… Maybe someone can take a look at this? If tweaking the position and appearance of this yellow box with maybe even the chance to make pictures larger with clicking on the picture through the admin settings would be awesome.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Menu does not show correctlyGot it working. Killed theme options for the menu, though.
Replaced…<?php if($options['menu_type'] == 'categories') { wp_list_categories('title_li=0&orderby=name&show_count=0'); } else { wp_list_pages('title_li=0&sort_column=menu_order'); } ?>
<?php $pages = wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li=&echo=0'); print_r($pages); ?>
If someone could point out what exactly is the difference between those two then maybe I could change the code without killing too much other functions.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Menu does not show correctlyThank you for your reply. No, I haven’t solved it. I don’t know how to do that exactly what you suggested. I am familiar with CSS, yes, but not with how WordPress themes work. And there should be a better way to do this because many themes hide the pages properly.
Still looking for an answer. Not only for this theme but there are other cool themes maybe I’d use that have the same problem.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Menu does not show correctlyAnyone?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Need a preloader!Thanks for the reply.
Well you gave me some ideas on what to do. The only problem is, that I’m not very familiar with JavaScript and it could take me endless hours to make this work and even then probably not very well. Maybe someone will still be up to making the plugin? ??
And I don’t worry too much about visitors who have JavaScript disabled. WEB 2.0 and stuff use a lot of it and I believe that won’t be a problem. And I’m not sure I would be able to work around it either, so…
And what concerns about some different script for IE then I’ve heard of it but I’ve never tried it.