Thanks for your feedback, it is a bug in fact there:
In the main function file, latex2hml.php
, there are two lines:
//remove \label for equation and theorems but keep {\label{*}}
$content_data = preg_replace('/\\\\label\{(.*?)\}/ims', '', $content_data);
This means that it will remove all your \label{[lab]}
, which is essential for the old version, but since then we command out the self labeling scheme, now it is a bug!
To fix it, just command out the preg_replace
line, just as
//remove \label for equation and theorems but keep {\label{*}}
//$content_data = preg_replace('/\\\\label\{(.*?)\}/ims', '', $content_data);
Now, it should work for you!