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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pagamento Moip for WooCommerce] Erro ao sincronizar StatusTambém já fiz o procedimento de instalar o plugin novamente e Atualizar Notifica??es conforme orienta??o de Ivanilton por e-mail, mas desde o dia 29/07 ele n?o responde os e-mails.
Agrade?o a ajuda.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pagamento Moip for WooCommerce] Erro ao sincronizar StatusN?o aparece a forma de pagamento no WooCommerce e o pedido n?o aparece na Wire.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook for WooCommerce] Manage connection errorHey, @pitbozionelos,
Yes, I finished the setup process after the update, but it created other pixel and linked to a different ad account of mine.
The page and the Business Manager account are correct, the pixel and the ad account are wrong.
The other pixel it’s really important to me, because it already has data about the purchases, I was planning on spending a lot in ads these days and I had to stop because I could not track the conversions.
Thanks for the fast reply,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pagamento Moip for WooCommerce] Erro ao sincronizar StatusOi, @apiki
O problema de sincroniza??o continua, tive mais um pedido que ficou ‘aguardando’ e n?o integrou, pois n?o aparece a forma de pagamento.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pagamento Moip for WooCommerce] Erro ao sincronizar StatusOk, alterei manualmente o status, sobre o suporte solicitado pelo bot?o, vou aguardar mais um pouco.
Me tira uma dúvida, estou com a seguinte situa??o, uma cliente comprou via boleto e o boleto venceu, mas ela entrou em contato comigo e pagou de outra forma. Eu quero utilizar o mesmo pedido, ent?o eu manualmente coloco como ‘processando’. Porém, após um período a Wirecard altera o pedido para ‘cancelado’, ent?o eu tenho que alterar manualmente novamente para ‘processando’.
Minha pergunta é: há uma maneira de desvincular o pedido com a Wirecard de modo que eu altere o status para ‘processando’ e ela n?o altere para ‘cancelado’?
Desde já, obrigado.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] The sitemap can be read, but it contains errorsI will contact Google and try to solve this, thank you guys for trying to help me. I’ll let you know once I find the solution.
Thank you,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] The sitemap can be read, but it contains errorsHi @devnihil
Michal already told me that, I clicked the link and the sitemap validator doesn’t show any error message when I use HTTPS – The sitemap I submitted to GSC is on HTTPS, so it shouldn’t return an error. Sadly it keeps showing this message “Sitemap can be read, but contains erros”.
The sitemap is in the right format, we can access and it shows the page correctly, I have no idea what is causing this.
Since the sitemap I submitted in GSC is on https:// it shouldn’t be a problem, right? Anyway, I don’t think that the problem is caused by this plugin. I’ll let you know what was causing this problem once I find it.
Mark, I appreciate your help and patience with me, I hope I can solve this soon.
Thank you,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] The sitemap can be read, but it contains errorsHi @mikes41720
I’m sorry I didn’t translate before.
“! Sitemap can be read, but contains erros.”
“We were unable to read your sitemap. There may be an unrecognized entry. Validate the Sitemap before resubmitting it.”
When testing the sitemap with https the results are good in the XML Sitemap Validator, do you think this is a problem?
See image (HTTPS): – good result
See image (HTTP): – bad resultIs this expected behavior?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] The sitemap can be read, but it contains errorsMichael,
I used a XML Sitemap Validator and it returns an error, see image and link:
Hi Mark,
Thank you for the link, I have used the XML Sitemap Validator and it returns an error, see image.
Now I’m using only the sitemap generated by Yoast SEO (
Hi Mark,
I have contacted them and they said that the sitemap is correct, sadly I do not know what to do anymore.
See images of the problem:,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] The sitemap can be read, but it contains errorsHi Michael,
I’ve just removed and added it again and it didn’t work.
See images:,