Forum Replies Created
thanks for checking.
This might be occurred because of compatibility issues.
Try deactivating all the plugins and see if the problems persist.I don’t want to do this.
I need a plugin to not repeat the names of variables and fields with other plugins, and not to check it.
I usually not use GitHub. Extremely inconvenient and non-working interface.
GitHub is clinical russophobes just like facebook.
Don’t recommend this crap to anyone!!RU:
Я обычно не пользуюсь GitHub. Крайне неудобный и неработающий интерфейс.
GitHub – это клинические русофобы также как facebook.
никому не советуйте эту гадость!!I don’t know why for some (most) images WP generates NOT normal HTML code:
width="1" height="1"
but I have to work with what is, and so that the site always works, with any content.
Я не знаю почему для некоторых (большинства) картинок WP создаёт НЕнормальный HTML-код:
width="1" height="1"
но мне приходится работать с тем что есть, и чтобы сайт работал всегда, с любым контентом.
see please
PublishPress Content_Display Post icons not visible.avi
some images in WP are normally set
??width="604" height="496"
<img width="604" height="496" src="https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi.jpg" class="attachment-large size-large" alt="" decoding ="async" loading="lazy" srcset="https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi.jpg 604w, https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi -200x164.jpg 200w, https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi-150x123.jpg 300w, https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi-600x493.jpg 600w, https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi-90x74.jpg //woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi-91x75.jpg 91w" sizes="(max-width: 604px) 100vw, 604px" data-wp-pid="196">
so it works with:
?????max-width: 100%
.advgb-recent-posts-block.masonry-view .advgb-recent-posts .advgb-recent-post .advgb-post-thumbnail img {
?????max-width: 100%
}if images in WP do NOT have normal width and height
width="1" height="1"
<img width="1" height="1" src="https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/selo-tv_842x559.jpg" class="attachment-large size-large" alt=" " decoding="async" loading="lazy" data-wp-pid="1357">
it only works with:
width: 100%
у некоторых картинок в WP нормально заданы
width="604" height="496"
<img width="604" height="496" src="https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi.jpg" class="attachment-large size-large" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset="https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi.jpg 604w, https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi-200x164.jpg 200w, https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi-150x123.jpg 150w, https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi-300x246.jpg 300w, https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi-600x493.jpg 600w, https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi-90x74.jpg 90w, https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/10_pravil_uspeshnoy_prodazhi-91x75.jpg 91w" sizes="(max-width: 604px) 100vw, 604px" data-wp-pid="196">
поэтому для них работает
?????max-width: 100%
.advgb-recent-posts-block.masonry-view .advgb-recent-posts .advgb-recent-post .advgb-post-thumbnail img {
????max-width: 100%;
}если у картинок в WP НЕ заданы ?нормально width и height
width="1" height="1"
<img width="1" height="1" src="https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/selo-tv_842x559.jpg" class="attachment-large size-large" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" data-wp-pid="1357">
то для них работает только:
width: 100%;
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by v0van.
I wrote everything in detail in 1 post and took screenshots.
in the 2nd wrote about css how to fix it.If
max-width: 100%
the icon is not visible.and if
width: 100%
normalI don’t know if it depends on the browser, maybe it works in some browser and max-width: 100%. but it definitely doesn’t work for me.
you have an error in your css code. you use in some places
max-width: 100%
instead of
width: 100%.
Я всё подробно расписал в 1 посте и сделал скриншоты.
во 2-м написал про css как исправить.если
max-width: 100%;
то иконка не видна.а если
width: 100%
нормальноЯ не знаю зависит ли это от браузера, может быть в каком-то браузере работает и max-width: 100%. но у меня точно не работает.
у вас ошибка в css коде. вы в некоторых местах используете
max-width: 100%;
width: 100%Please provide us a screenshot with the settings made in the editor for that block.
https://ibb.co/TbHNygMThe page I need help with:?https://woo.vveb.ws/blog_main_product_grid/
end of page https://woo.vveb.ws/blog_main_post_grid/
I have smaller icons on my site
https:// woo.vveb.ws /wp-admin/options-media.php
Thumbnail size – 150×150
Medium size – 300×300
Large size – 1024×1024
and hidden Medium-Large ??
- Thumbnail (150px)
- Medium (300px)
- Medium Large (768px)
- Large (1024px)
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by v0van.
Otter_Posts__admin_thumb_size.png – https://ibb.co/QDzkr3q
Otter_Posts__orig_size.png – https://ibb.co/LYTZ07n
2 000px × 1 524px (to scale 384px × 293px)
<img src="https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/led_podsvetka_1.jpg" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" data-wp-pid="1248">
No. this does not work! full size
нет. это не работает! полный размер
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by v0van.
exuse me ! code
width="1" height="1"
generated by WP
so is true
.advgb-recent-posts-block.grid-view .advgb-recent-posts .advgb-recent-post .advgb-post-thumbnail img { width:100%;height:auto }
.advgb-recent-posts-block.list-view .advgb-recent-posts .advgb-recent-post .advgb-post-thumbnail img { width:100%;height:auto }
no. watch on my site.
in /wp-content/plugins/advanced-gutenberg/assets/css/recent-posts.css
.advgb-post-thumbnail img{max-width:100%;
replace with
.advgb-post-thumbnail img{width:100%;
or delete this idiot’s code:
width="1" height="1"
<div class="advgb-post-thumbnail"><a ><img width="1" height="1" src="https://woo.vveb.ws/wp-content/uploads/selo-tv_842x559.jpg" class="attachment-large size-large" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" data-wp-pid="1357"></a></div>
no thumb:
.advgb-recent-posts-block.list-view .advgb-recent-posts .advgb-recent-post .advgb-post-thumbnail img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }
normal thumb:
.advgb-recent-posts-block.masonry-view .advgb-recent-posts .advgb-recent-post .advgb-post-thumbnail img { width: 100%; }
no thumb:
max-width: 100%;
normal thumb – works:
width: 100%;
Yes! works!
Thank you!
from your code i created plugin yith-woocommerce-ajax-navigation-save-min-max-price.php and activated it.
if I choose first “price from and to” – https://woo.vveb.ws/shopcat/televizori/?min_price=15790&max_price=26990
and then “Manufacturer” “LG” – the URL is obtained – https://woo.vveb.ws/shopcat/televizori/?yith_wcan=1&min_price=15790&max_price=26990&product_cat=televizori&filter_proizvoditel_televizora=televizor_-lg&query_type_proizvoditel_televizora=and
exactly as it should be!
a parameter appeared in the url: &min_price=15790&max_price=26990
however, the link remains in the HTML code: https://woo.vveb.ws/shopcat/televizori?yith_wcan=1&product_cat=televizori&query_type_proizvoditel_televizora=and&filter_proizvoditel_televizora=televizor_-lg
remembering the “price from and to” occurs in cookies and scripts, and not in the url. strange, but it will do..
да! работает!
из Вашего кода я создал плагин yith-woocommerce-ajax-navigation-save-min-max-price.php и активировал его.
если я выбираю сначала “цену от и до” – https://woo.vveb.ws/shopcat/televizori/?min_price=15790&max_price=26990
а потом “Производитель” “LG” – получается урл – https://woo.vveb.ws/shopcat/televizori/?yith_wcan=1&min_price=15790&max_price=26990&product_cat=televizori&filter_proizvoditel_televizora=televizor_-lg&query_type_proizvoditel_televizora=and
именно так как и должно быть!
в урле появился параметр: &min_price=15790&max_price=26990
однако в HTML-коде осталась ссылка: https://woo.vveb.ws/shopcat/televizori?yith_wcan=1&product_cat=televizori&query_type_proizvoditel_televizora=and&filter_proizvoditel_televizora=televizor_-lg
запоминание “цены от и до” происходит в куках и скриптах, а не в урле. странно, но и так сойдёт.
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by v0van.