True, that. Also true: the exclude user feature does not work (isn’t stored), for myself and others who’ve posted same. If I could still edit my first entry above that is what it would now say.
And based on Audit Trail’s own plug-in description, perhaps it is clear why I thought it, and not WP itself, is entering the records: “Audit Trail is a plugin to keep track of what is going on inside your blog. It does this by recording certain actions (such as who logged in and when) and storing this information in the form of a log. Not only that but it records the full contents of posts (and pages) and allows you to restore a post to a previous version at any time.” Which is what WP Post Rev’s feature does. More accurate would be to describe Audit Trail as adding a diff/comparison and edit high-lighting (also useful) feature to WP’s own Post Revisions feature? I’d say so, yes.
Forgive me for taking the description literally, and not knowing about wP>2.6 Post Rev’s feature before hand, please.