I came across CG-Feedread and it appears to be a solution, and seems others have used it successfully, but where I’m having trouble is my blog doesn’t even show up. Anywhere. I un-installed and re-installed WP onto my server in a sub-directory, it installed again fine as I’m able to log into the wp-admin. But if I create a post, when I click “view post” in the dashboard, it just takes me to the index of the site. When I just try to type in https://lifline.com/blog , it’s just blank. It also tells me, as does Feed Validator, that the feed to my blog doesn’t even exist?????
I’m merely trying display blog posts in a .php file in the root directory, pulling the feed from the WP installed on my server, in its sub-directory.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
]]>Here is the site im testing CG-FeedRead on…
Now it has stopped updating the feed, I don’t think I have changed anything.
I have it on a non-wordpress page:
but it is(was) reading a WP blog:
$myplugins = "cg-plugins"; // not needed if you have CG-Amazon already above this.
<div id="feeditem"><h1>Latest posts from Allergy Climates</h1>
$feedUrl = "https://climates.allergynursing.com/feed/"; // a sample CNET feed. use your own...
//Params to getSomeFeed function, in order:
//function getSomeFeed($InUrl, $maxItemsPerFeed, $showDetails, $cacheName, $filterCat='',$tLimit = -1, $dLimit = -1, $noHTML = true,
//$showTime = false, $feedStyle = false, $noTitle = false,$showTimeGMT = false, $titleImages = false, $multiSiteTitle=true,
//$makeRSS=false, $rssName="CG-FeedRead Multifeed", $rssLink="https://www.chait.net/")
$feedOut = getSomeFeed($feedUrl, 3, false, "feed-climates", '', -1, 90, false, false, 0, true);
if ($feedOut)
echo $feedOut;
When I temporarily change the name of the files in the cache_feedread directory I get this on the allergynursing.com page:
XMLParser failed to open (climates.allergynursing.com)
URL: [https://climates.allergynursing.com/feed/]
Error #:
Check the feed URL is valid.
Any help would be appreciated, hate to give up a plugin I’ve liked so well!
]]>I’m developing my site on my local machine, and I can’t get the CG-Feedread plugin to show up in my plugins.
Will it only work remotely?
]]>“CGFR: Recaching blog (https://writeside.net/blog/?feed=rss2)…”
Here’s a screenshot: https://writeside.net/screenshot.jpg
This message disappears if I reload. Any idea if this message is an error? Otherwise, it does pick up the first post from my blog, as I want it do, and does everything else I want.
Thanks in advance for any help.
]]>CG-Feedread failed to save feed to disk — couldn’t write to the cache_feedread directory.
* Spring Break Schedule
3/16/2006 4:14pm
* Small update before I go to bed..
3/15/2006 10:17pm
* Someone give me some Prozac!
3/12/2006 2:07pm
* Ita€s DONE!
3/11/2006 7:47pm
* Ita€s Coming!
3/10/2006 11:27pm
The last two titles are supposed to say “It’s Coming!” and “It’s DONE”.
What’s the deal?
]]>I know that there’s a variable, feedTargetWindow, that should control this — but I can’t figure out how to set it to “no.”
Also, where in the various CG-Feedread-related files do I go to change the way it outputs feeds? For example, I’d like to have them show up like this:
– Site name: latest post
So, on the same line, with a “:” and a “-” worked in. My PHP knowledge is pretty limited, but I’ve spent quite a bit of time fiddling with the files — to no avail.
Thanks in advance!