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  • hi…

    the web developer toolbar advises the following:
    line 73 in style.css : error in parsing value for property ‘width’. declaration dropped

    line 79 is the same
    then just for the root, i assume your using a method to mask the file name… whether its index.php or something… that you should know…
    anyway i get two of the width errors, one height, and one margin-bottom error

    i hope this heps as that could be attributing to it, in my ie7 i pulled it up and the main content column is appearing where it should be horizontally, but it’s appesring off vertically.

    moshu is right its not a one click job…. on the other heand its relatively easy to explain for the basic placement, to give the concept of the work, so as to… you know… help…

    To have it appear you’ll need to
    use some basic concepts.

    for one, your sidebar should be enclosed in a div. this so you can later refer to it in your stylesheet as .sidebar

    <div class="sidebar">

    is a good start
    now everything in it should be in an unordered list

    so now like this

    <div class="sidebar">

    now it just depends on what you want in it.
    heres a small example

    <div class="sidebar">
    <?php wp_get_bookmarks(); ?>

    that will display your blogroll

    open your index.php
    go to the bottom and if there are closing body and html tags in your themes index.php file, you’ll want to place the following before them, but most likely after the last closing div tag.

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    this is all highly dependant on how that theme is designed.
    you’d be well reccomended to go download the boook at it will teach you step by step, the third part especially on how to hand code a theme from scratch.

    anyway now to get it to appear on the right side, well that just takes some stylesheet programming…

    I assume it’ll be a work in progress to just get here with it.

    something like

    	float: left;
    	width: 175px;
    	margin: 0 0 0 1px;

    as you can see there your telling it to align left it it’s “box”, the box you defined using the div class of sidebar earlier. your telling it that this box is 175px wide, your width may vary, and your padding it 1 px, thats just me in one theme… you’ll have to play to see the effects.

    in addition
    you may need to adjust other div “boxes” attributes, or the attributes of what are in them for it to work out right, this is another one of those moments where it just depends..

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Comments and pages
    Thread Starter urville



    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Comments and pages
    Thread Starter urville


    Yeah i’ve done the permalinks, constant rollbacks, total deletes, etc.

    Actually if you look this support request has gone unanswered for over a year, i had another thread…

    Also while I understand the rule of one question per thread, obviously if they relate there should no problem with asking. Or say if i am attempting to see if they are related, or prove realtion. which I am. I say this because I was not asking about comments, I was informing you that comments do not work because my host does not support mb_ in php, which i actually did learn of in another post. again for the purpose of finding if they rely on this same function of php since to my knowledge they both rely on AJAX. Could be no realtion, could be everything, could be nothing, I was just covering all the knowledge I had.

    See because if this all relates back to my host the fix is simple, new hosting that better supports wordpress. Again, the first times i asked these questions it was pretty much up to me by myself to figure things out, but now i am again at an impass, a year later and no further I really need someone who knows wordpress you know??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Comments and pages
    Thread Starter urville


    so is mb_ otherwise multibyte strings… are the comments dependant on that? How much is dependant on that?

    guru anyone?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Comments and pages
    Thread Starter urville


    in fact they havent worked since i upgraded way back to 2.1

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: spellcheck

    this is the official resposne to which i have replied…

    Thank-you for expressing an interest in this feature.

    At the moment, we do not offer mb_string for PHP. Although we do not add features and modules on the fly, it has been added to our list of client requested features and may be included in a future service upgrade. All feature requests and new modules that we install are evaluated and fully tested through quality assurance before releasing to our customers. This will ensure that the newly added features and modules function optimally on the web accounts.

    Thank-you for your suggestion.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: spellcheck

    ahhh… hmmm… this is really odd cause i had wordpress2.3.0 or so not even… 4 months ago? and it worked… i will contact them but… i will update when i know

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: spellcheck


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: spellcheck

    I have this same issue and hopefully this screen shot will help…
    also I am using 2.3.1, no other issues.

    Click Here to view image

    dont get oo discouraged i upgraded and i’m having huge issues, i followed every upgrade step to the letter in the detailed instructions and i got one response from a member describing how to roll back my version. So i feel your pain i am more than a bit unhappy.

    Thread Starter urville


    i have my database, and the wp-config.php, my htaccess, and my content directory, althoguh i can get everything that was in my content directory and i doont think it chnages anything in there… well the cache…

    the crappy part is losing the newer posts. i did make one since the last post does it metter that i updated to wp2.1? i bet it does…

    Thread Starter urville


    I completely reinstalled following every step, deleting core files less those listed as DO NOT DELETE, everything to the letter just as before, these issues still exsist in both browsers, I still validate successfully at I am using an appropriate version of sql. I have verified through third party users that the comment system is not working. None of this was happening when I was in any of the 2.0.x versions.

    Can someone at least say they have looked at this and dont have any clue, or that the wordpress people are aware of it? please? I just want to know i’m not being brushed off, at least then i can move to a system that at least has a working comment system.

    Thread Starter urville



    Thread Starter urville


    anyone have instructions for going back to a 2.0.x version?

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