Michal Jaworski
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] error in last versionHi @wickedpixel,
Thanks for reporting! We’ve just released fixed version of the plugin.
MichalForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Seller] Problem z p?atno?ci? PayUWitaj @ekato,
Je?li w pluginie wszystko jest dobrze ustawione to pozostaje jedynie kontakt z PayU w celu wyja?nienia tej kwestii.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Seller] B??d przy aktywacjiCze?? @kakashimateo,
Wtyczka wymaga PHP w wersji minimum 5.3. B??d, który przytaczasz mo?e wynika? ze zbyt niskiej wersji PHP na Twoim serwerze (notabene WordPress zaleca minimum PHP 5.6 na chwil? obecn?).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Seller] Ilo?? zamawianego towaruCze?? Obcy ??
Liczb? sztuk zamawianego towaru definiuje si? w formularzu zamówienia.
Micha?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Seller] Problem z p?atno?ciamiWitam,
Prosz? zalogowa? si? do panelu Dotpay, przej?? do Ustawienia -> Powiadomienia -> Edycja i wy??czy? tam (odznaczy?) trzy ostatnie opcje czyli: Blokuj zewn?trzne urlc, HTTPS verify i SSL certificate verify.
Witaj Dariuszu,
W?a?nie wypu?cili?my now? wersj? wtyczki, w której poprawili?my dzia?anie dla multisite. Daj prosz? zna?, czy teraz jest OK.
Micha?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] Woo Commerce currency – need ZARHi 247web,
I’m happy I could help ??
WP Tao TeamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Seller] Szablon graficznyCze??,
Rozumiem, ?e chodzi o wygl?d formularza zamówienia, tak? Celowo jest on niezale?ny od aktywnego szablonu WP, jednak mo?liwe jest stworzenie w?asnego wygl?du formularza – wtyczka posiada wbudowany (na razie jednak nieoficjalnie) system szablonów.
Mo?liwo?? ustawiania adresu strony po udanej lub nie udanej transakcji powinna si? pojawi? w jednej z najbli?szych aktualizacji. Jednak np. w przypadku PayU warto?ci te okre?la si? w ustawieniach punktu p?atno?ci (w PayU) i wtyczka nie ma mo?liwo?ci by te warto?ci nadpisa?.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] Woo Commerce currency – need ZARHi 247web,
Thanks for your message. We will ad the ZAR currency in the next release.
Please stay tuned!
WP Tao TeamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] Multisite installHi 247web,
Have you tried to run WP Tao on multisite? We have the installation and it works without any problem.
WP Tao TeamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] incompatible with iThemes Security?Hi Joy,
Have you tried post this issue on iThemes Security support? I think it is a little better place, because the plugin authors better know their security mechanism and can faster diagnose the issue.
Hi Blohrot,
We are currently working on timeline filtering by campaigns.
Stey tuned and keep WP Tao up-tu-date!
MichalForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] incompatible with iThemes Security?Hi Joy,
I tried to reproduce your problem, but with default options of iThemes Security, everything works fine. Maybe you should try manipulate some settings of iThemes Security? Did you try with defaults?
WP Tao TeamForum: Reviews
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] It looks like something amazingHi Francesco!
Currently we do not plan to integrate WP Tao with quite expensive services like Hubspot. WP Tao will be expandable by much cheaper addons to work as markering automartion, CRM or other service. It is an alternative for small business owner which wants to start with such tools.
So not yet, but maybe someday…
WP Tao TeamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Custom Emails] Not working after WP upgradeHi howlz,
Did you checked this: