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  • Well, I could release semi-crippled one as soon as I can get access to my webserver again.
    I will do the quick version to display the music and mood stuff based on the custom meta keys asap. I hope to be able to vastly improve the interface to it in the future since right now the interface is too manual for my taste.
    Let me see what I can do when I get back into my webserver…

    You could probably add your sidebar stuff by filter the ‘list_cats’ if you wanted to. I wish there were more filter hooks to achieve this sort of thing without having to edit index.php.

    See this post for why even adding one line to the index.php is a generally bad thing.
    Also, you still need a plugin to deal with the formatting because the custom meta data system doesn’t have much in the way of formatting the text or how it displays. All you have is a CSS style you can change. But what if you wanted to add a mood icon like on LJ, I don’t think you could do it without a plugin. Besides, Unordered Lists are ugly ??

    I am working on creating a minimally invasive mood/music plugin for 1.2
    One thing no one mentioned here is that you will need to hack the index.php file in order to display the mood and music on the post.
    Even then, I don’t think the data will display nicely like in LiveJournal. As a user of both LJ and WP I am definitely going to get this working using the meta data. For now at least, if you use the following Custom Meta Data key names ‘unt_current_music’ for music and ‘unt_current_mood’ for the mood, it should be compatible with my plugin when I am done with it (no promises, but that is the plan ??
    (I couldn’t double check what I stated above as my web server apparently just went down, I will verify the above, make corrections and delete this disclaimer as soon as it is back up)

    Thanks for the link to the documentation, though I think I am more depressed now that I can see the whole list….
    There are far too few plugin hooks in the current system.
    Some places that DESPERATELY need hooks are:
    The Write/Edit pages. Plugins need ways to insert control data into the editor for posts, particularly to modify the way the custom meta data is displayed. For example, I want to create a plugin that allows for mood and music to be set on a per post basis. Because I want the moods compatible with LiveJournal (for a LiveJournal update plugin) I need to make sure that if the user wants to use a predefined LJ mood that I can get the right moodID for it. This is best interfaced by having the user be able to choose a mood from a drop down list and storing that in the meta data for them, rather than them adding a Custom Meta data key/value pair in the advanced interface which is a downright terrible user interface.
    ‘the_meta’ filter isn’t displayed by default in index.php. It would be very good from a Plugin Standpoint to have ‘the_meta’ as part of the default index.php, possibly with an option in the Blog Settings to wrap the meta in HTML comment tags turned on by default. That way you won’t get weird meta data (which I think ‘the_meta’ prints as a UL?) in all of the posts, but plugin developers could massage that to look nice without telling people to hack index.php. While you are at it, make the UL formatting a filter so that a plugin developer can use remove_filter on it so that we can get the raw meta data, or just drop ‘the_meta’ formatting altogether as a built in function and turn it into a plugin.
    It would be nice to be able to store meta data for other things besides posts. Links, Categories, and User Profiles come immediately to mind. This would allow plugin developers to do things like have a custom color per category. Or maybe store a custom CSS style per user who logs in to the site. If this custom data is already available, I apologize in advance for being ignorant of it.

    Thread Starter unteins


    Thanks, I had used my old index.php from 1.0.2 for 1.2 because it had a few custom changes to it.
    After moving the changes into the 1.2 index.php everything is fine now….

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP Unformatted (1.2 Plugin)

    Thank you for giving me half of the solution to how to work with the new Meta Data in 1.2….
    Now I just need to figure out if there is an easy way to add drop down lists and input boxes to the edit interface and store their values in the meta data…

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WordPress 1.2 Plugin Guide?
    Thread Starter unteins


    I looked at the samples, but so far haven’t seen any that use the meta data table.
    I want to convert the wp-moods hack to a plugin and use the meta data table like a good plugin writer should, but I want to use it the RIGHT way as opposed to just haXor1ng it and guessing ??
    I will dig through the forums and see if I find anything.

    Here is a quick idea that might even work…just theorizing, again it wouldn’t be too painful if you are on a *nix and know a tiny bit of shell scripting. It actually would be fairly upgradeable too.
    Here is what I would propose you give a try:
    Install WP in a location and use this as your “main” install. Go through the setup procedure, so create something like
    Once that blog works here is how I think you can create a student’s blog without too much pain.
    Create a new directory that is
    Place the wp-config.php and wp-layout.css file in that directory. Change the wp-config.php line with the table prefeix to be something like wp_SomeStudent_ instead of wp_ or wp_JMF_ (depending on how you set it up the first time)
    Ok, now comes the shell script. You need to make symlinks from the student directory to the main WP directory. this should let WP find the files it needs and allow you to have custom setups per student without having to have 100 copies of the files. It would also allow you to add hacks/plugins as needed.
    Of course, it doesn’t help with massive proliferation of tables in the database, but that requires a lot more hacking.

    My investigations into the topic say….Yes and No.
    It would be possible to hack WP to do this, it wouldn’t even be terribly difficult I don’t think.
    However, there would be several issues to contend with, not the least of which is what to do when the next WP version comes out.
    There are some possibilities that using a combination of Apache and a little php trickery you might be able to have essentially 100 copies of WP, but not really.
    I remember reading somewhere that multiple blogs were a feature that was either planned or under consideration.
    When do you have to get the whole thing up and running by?

    I thouhgt that WordPress used ezSQL? At least that is listed on the developers page. If so, I don’t know why it should be difficult at all, but I don’t know the code in depth.

    A better way to do this would be to save the data in the database. This would require a change to the wp_users table to add a Category lookup ID and another table called something like wp_user2cat with the same structure as the wp_post2cat table.
    Doing it in the db is much nicer for the user since they don’t have to reselect the categories anytime they log in from a new computer. Plus it puts data in the hands of the blogger to figure out what topics people are reading and which they aren’t.
    There are code changes you’d have to make as well. You would need to add a category function to the user data and then find a way to filter the posts using that. You probably would also want an option to filter by default and have a link to all posts or if that was off then you would get all posts by default and then a link to see just the categories the user is interested in.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Trying to make plugin

    Which hack are you referring to? Are you trying to make a plugin for 1.2?

    If you REALLY wanted to you could hack WP to work with a single User Table and probably Categories and other things you might want to share across the blogs.
    You could probably even make WP work with one posts table, but that would most likely be the most difficult to hack….

    You can probably get some hints from the LJ Autoupdate script.
    If the XMLRPC is straightforward and simple it should be easy to export. Import might not be too tough either, the biggest thing you need to do is map the missing information somehow….like make all posts from Advogato go to a Category of Advogato in WP.

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