12 years, 2 months ago
Hi Abigail,
Can you post your site url, Might be I can help you.
12 years, 3 months ago
can you post your site url.
can you post your .htaccess
@mika yes. Understood.
you need to learn css for that.
fantastic. please mark this post as closed.
you posted page.php code not the header.php
Hi Rachel, have you checked the_content() in header.php
@andrew. I know the issue is visible but in the backend what is causing issue. you can’t see through in original post. understood ?
chat is enough. I am not asking for video chat. screenshare would be fine so that I can see the issue.
can we have skype quickly. “wphelpline”
[mod: please keep the topic within the forum]
please check the_content()
it looks like you have included the_content() twice in page.php file.
let me know if you require more help.
you need to follow below steps.
1. You need to move all files from /wordpress to your root directory 2. in phpmyadmin open your database 3. Open wp_options tables and change siteurl(option_name) to and home(option_name) to 4. Done ??