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@mbrsolution – the problem is that the plugin is unable to write to .htaccess (I don’t have one) so there are no “entries in your .htaccess file”.
My question is whether I can either set up the plugin to write to the htaccess.conf file or display the snippet the plugin is trying to write to the .htaccess file so I can copy and paste it into the htaccess.conf file manually.
@mbrsolution Thanks for your reply. I’m actually using Amazon’s AWS so Bitnami is supposed to be a more secure way of setting things up. Sadly, the “more secure” way of using htaccess.conf rather than .htaccess brings some challenges.
Thanks for the reply Zack. I’ve been away skiing for a week so sorry for slow reply.
In the end, I was having such a nightmare with GF->SF that I reverted back to my hand-built form processor which does some pre-processing before sending the data to SF.
It’s not the slick solution I wanted but (hopefully) it works.
JamesPs. I have a different issue with another form so will start a new thread if I can’t fix it.
Thanks pixeline – up against a tight deadline and client asked for the breadcrumbs of a subset of the site to have a different home page:
thesite.com/jobs/ to actually appear as the ‘home’ crumb in the trail.Using your technique, I shifted the relevant bits off the front (used on other parts of the site and hard coded the ‘You are here:’ to the front.
Does what I’m (the client is!) after so thought it might help someone else:
<?php if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) { $opt = get_option("wpseo_internallinks"); $sep = ( isset($opt['breadcrumbs-sep']) && $opt['breadcrumbs-sep'] != '' ) ? $opt['breadcrumbs-sep'] : '?'; $breadcrumbs = yoast_breadcrumb('','',false); $linksArr = split($sep, $breadcrumbs); array_shift($linksArr); array_shift($linksArr); array_shift($linksArr); echo '<div id="breadcrumbs">You are here: '.implode($sep,$linksArr).'</div>'; } ?>
Thanks for your tip.