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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Collapsing Categories] Collapsing Categories Suddenly Not Workingfind in code where:
<span class=’sym’>$symbol</span>
I fix useless triangle in collapsing-categories.2.2.7 – MOD_hide-empty-cat-open – collapscatlist.php<?php /* collapsing categories version: 2.2.7 copyright 2007-2020 robert felty this file is part of collapsing categories collapsing categories is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the free software foundation; either version 2 of the license, or (at your option) any later version. collapsing categories is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. see the gnu general public license for more details. you should have received a copy of the gnu general public license along with collapsing categories; if not, write to the free software foundation, inc., 51 franklin st, fifth floor, boston, ma 02110-1301 usa */ global $collapsCatItems; $collapsCatItems = array(); function add_to_includes($cat, $inexclusionarray) { /* add all parents to include list */ if (in_array($cat->slug, $inexclusionarray) || in_array($cat->term_id, $inexclusionarray)) { $includes[]= $cat->term_id; if ($cat->parent!=0) $inexclusionarray[]= $cat->parent; $cat2 = get_category($cat->parent); $moreincludes = add_to_includes($cat2,$inexclusionarray); if (!empty($moreincludes)) { foreach ($moreincludes as $include) { $includes[] = $include; } } $children = get_categories('child_of=' . $cat->term_id); foreach ($children as $child) { $includes[]= $child->term_id; } } return($includes); } function getCollapsCatLink($cat,$catlink) { /* returns link to category. we use the id of the category if possible, because it is faster. otherwise we pass the whole category object */ if (empty($catlink)) { $the_cat=$cat->term_id; } else { $the_cat=$cat; } if ($cat->taxonomy=='post_tag') { $link = "<a href='".get_tag_link($the_cat)."' "; } elseif ($cat->taxonomy=='category') { $link = "<a href='".get_category_link($the_cat)."' "; } else { $link = "<a href='".get_term_link($the_cat, $cat->taxonomy)."' "; } return($link); } function miscPosts($cat,$catlink,$subcatpostcount2, $posttext) { /* this function will group posts into a miscellaneous sub-category */ global $options, $collapsCatItems, $cur_terms, $cookies; $number = 0; extract($options); $show='expand'; $symbol=$expandSym; $expanded='none'; $theID='collapsCat-' . $cat->term_id . ":$number-misc"; if ((in_array($cat->term_id, $cur_terms) && $expandCatPost) || ($useCookies && $cookies[$theID]==1)) { $expanded='block'; } if ($expanded=='block') { $show='collapse'; $symbol=$collapseSym; } $miscposts=" <li class='collapsing categories expandable'>". "<span class='collapsing categories $show'>"; if(strlen($posttext)>3) $miscposts .= "<span class='sym'>$symbol</span>"; else $miscposts .= "<span class='empty none_miscPosts'> </span>"; if ( $linkToCat ) { $thislink=getCollapsCatLink($cat,$catlink); $miscposts.="</span>$thislink>$addMiscTitle</a>"; } else { $miscposts.="$addMiscTitle</span>"; } if( $showPostCount) { $miscposts.=' (' . $subcatpostcount2.')'; } $miscposts.= "\n <div id='$theID' style=\"display:$expanded\"><ul>\n" ; $miscposts.=$posttext; $miscposts.=" </ul></div></li>\n"; if ($theID!='' && !$collapsCatItems[$theID]) { $collapsCatItems[$theID] = "<ul>$posttext</ul>"; } return($miscposts); } function checkCurrentCat($cat, $categories) { /* this function checks whether the post being displayed belongs to a given category, * or if that category's page itself is displayed. * If so, it adds all parent categories to the autoExpand array, so * that it is automatically expanded */ global $autoExpand; array_push($autoExpand, $cat->slug); if ($cat->parent!=0) { foreach ($categories as $cat2) { if ($cat2->term_id == $cat->parent) { checkCurrentCat($cat2,$categories); } } } } /* TODO * add depth option * add option to display number of comments */ function getSubPosts($posts, $cat2, $showPosts) { /* returns all the posts for a given category */ global $postsToExclude, $options, $thisPost, $collapsCatItems; $number = 0; extract($options); $posttext2=''; if ($excludeAll==0 && !$showPosts) { $subCatPostCount2=$cat2->count; } else { $subCatPostCount2=0; if ( ! is_array($posts) || 0 == count( $posts ) ) { return array( 0, '' ); } foreach ($posts as $post2) { if ($post2->term_id != $cat2->term_id) continue; if (!in_array($post2->ID, $postsToExclude)) { $subCatPostCount2++; if (!$showPosts) { continue; } if (is_single() && $post2->ID == $thisPost) $self=" self"; else $self=""; $date=preg_replace("/-/", '/', $post2->date); $name=$post2->post_name; $title_text = strip_tags(__($post2->post_title), 'collapsing-categories'); $tmp_text = ''; if ($postTitleLength> 0 && strlen($title_text) > $postTitleLength ) { $tmp_text = substr($title_text, 0, $postTitleLength ); $tmp_text .= ' …'; } $linktext = $tmp_text == '' ? $title_text : $tmp_text; if ($showPostDate) { $theDate = mysql2date($postDateFormat, $post2->post_date ); if ($postDateAppend=='before') { $linktext = "$theDate $linktext"; } else { $linktext = "$linktext $theDate"; } } $posttext2.= "<li class='collapsing categories item" . $self . "'><a " . "href='".get_permalink($post2). "' title='" . esc_attr( strip_tags( $title_text ) ) . "'>$linktext</a></li>\n"; } } } return array($subCatPostCount2, $posttext2); } function addFeedLink($feed,$cat) { /* returns a link to the rss feed for a given category */ if ($feed=='text') { $rssLink= '<a href="' . get_category_feed_link($cat->term_id) . '"> (RSS)</a>'; } elseif ($feed=='image') { $rssLink= '<a href="' . get_category_feed_link($cat->term_id) . '"> <img src="' .get_option(siteurl) . '/wp-includes/images/rss.png" /></a>'; } else { $rssLink=''; } return $rssLink; } function get_sub_cat($cat, $categories, $parents, $posts, $subCatCount,$subCatPostCount,$expanded, $depth) { /* returns all the subcategories for a given category */ global $options, $collapsCatItems, $autoExpand, $postsToExclude, $totalCatPostCount, $catlink, $postsInCat, $cur_terms, $thisCatID, $cookies; $subCatLinks=''; $postself=''; $number = 0; extract($options); $link2=''; $depth++; $parent=''; if (in_array($cat->term_id, $parents)) { foreach ($categories as $cat2) { $subCatLink2=''; // clear info from subCatLink2 if ((is_category() || is_tag()) && ($cat2->term_id==$thisCatID)) { $self=" self"; $parent.=" active"; } else { $self=""; } $parent=""; if (in_array($cat2->slug, $autoExpand)) { $parent.=" parent"; } if ( is_single() ) { $the_post = get_post(); if ( $the_post != null && in_array( $cat2->term_id, wp_get_post_categories( $the_post->ID ) ) ) { $parent.=" active"; } } if ($cat->term_id==$cat2->parent) { $theID='collapsCat-' . $cat2->term_id . ":$number"; list($subCatPostCount2, $posttext2) = getSubPosts($postsInCat[$cat2->term_id],$cat2, $showPosts); $totalCatPostCount+=$subCatPostCount2; $subCatPostCount+=$subCatPostCount2; $expanded='none'; if (((in_array($cat2->name, $autoExpand) || in_array($cat2->slug, $autoExpand)) && $expandCatPost) || ($useCookies && isset($cookies[$theID]) && $cookies[$theID]==1)) { $expanded='block'; } if (!in_array($cat2->term_id, $parents)) { // check to see if there are more subcategories under this one if ($theID!='' && ( ! isset( $collapsCatItems[$theID] ) || ! $collapsCatItems[$theID] ) ) { $collapsCatItems[$theID] = "<ul>$posttext2</ul>"; } $subCatCount=0; if ($subCatPostCount2<1 AND !$showEmptyCat) { continue; } if ($showPosts) { if ($expanded=='block') { $show='collapse'; $symbol=$collapseSym; } else { $show='expand'; $symbol=$expandSym; } $subCatLinks.=( "<li class='collapsing categories expandable" . $self . $parent . "'>". "<span class='collapsing categories $show'>"); if($subCatPostCount2>0) $subCatLinks .= "<span class='sym'>$symbol</span>"; else $subCatLinks .= "<span class='empty none_subCatLinks_out'> </span>"; } else { $subCatLinks.=( "<li class='collapsing categories item" . $self . $parent . "'>" ); } $link2= getCollapsCatLink($cat2,$catlink); if ( empty($cat2->description) ) { $link2 .= 'title="'. sprintf(__("View all posts filed under %s", 'collapsing-categories'), esc_attr( strip_tags( apply_filters( 'single_cat_title', $cat2->name ) ) ) ) . '"'; } else { $link2 .= 'title="' . esc_attr( apply_filters( 'description', $cat2->description, $cat) ) . '"'; } $link2 .= '>'; if ( $linkToCat ) { if ($showPosts) { $subCatLinks.='</span>'; } $link2 .= apply_filters('single_cat_title', $cat2->name). '</a>'; } else { $link2 .= apply_filters('single_cat_title', $cat2->name). '</a>'; if ($showPosts) { $link2 .= "</a></span>"; } } } else { list ($subCatLink2, $subCatCount,$subCatPostCount2)= get_sub_cat($cat2, $categories, $parents, $posts, $subCatCount, $subCatPostCount2,$expanded, $depth); $subCatCount=1; $subCatPostCount+=$subCatPostCount2; if ($subCatPostCount2<1 AND !$showEmptyCat) { continue; } if ($expanded=='block') { $show='collapse'; $symbol=$collapseSym; } else { $show='expand'; $symbol=$expandSym; } $subCatLinks.=( "<li class='collapsing categories expandable" . $self . $parent . "'>". "<span class='collapsing categories $show'>"); if($subCatPostCount2>0) $subCatLinks .= "<span class='sym'>$symbol</span>"; else $subCatLinks .= "<span class='empty none_subCatLinks_in'> </span>"; $link2=getCollapsCatLink($cat2,$catlink); if ( empty($cat2->description) ) { $link2 .= 'title="'. sprintf( __( "View all posts filed under %s" ), esc_attr( strip_tags( apply_filters( 'single_cat_title', $cat2->name ) ) ) ) . '"'; } else { $link2 .= 'title="' . esc_attr( apply_filters( 'description', $cat2->description, $cat2 ) ) . '"'; } $link2 .= '>'; if ( $linkToCat ) { $subCatLinks.='</span>'; $link2 .= apply_filters('single_cat_title', $cat2->name).'</a>'; } else { if ($showPosts || $subCatPostCount2>0) { $link2 .= apply_filters('single_cat_title',$cat2->name) . '</a></span>'; } else { // don't include the triangles if posts are not shown and there // are no more subcategories $link2 .= apply_filters('single_cat_title',$cat2->name).'</a>'; $subCatLinks = " <li class='collapsing categories item" . $self . "'>"; } } } if( $showPostCount) { $theCount=$subCatPostCount2; $link2 .= ' ('.$theCount.')'; } $subCatLinks.= $link2 ; $rssLink=addFeedLink($catfeed,$cat2); $subCatLinks.=$rssLink; if (($subCatCount>0) || ($showPosts)) { $subCatLinks.="\n<div id='$theID' style=\"display:$expanded\">\n"; if ($subCatCount>0 && $posttext2!='' && $addMisc) { $posttext2=miscPosts($cat2,$catlink,$subCatPostCount2, $posttext2); } if (($expanded=='block' AND $showPosts) OR $subCatCount>0) $subCatLinks.="<ul>"; if ($expanded=='block') { $subCatLinks.="$posttext2"; } else { $subCatLinks.=''; } } // add in additional subcategory information $subCatLinks.="$subCatLink2"; if ( ! empty( $theID ) && empty( $collapsCatItems[ $theID ] ) ) { $collapsCatItems[ $theID ] = "$posttext2" . "$subCatLink2"; } // close <ul> and <li> before starting a new category if (($expanded=='block' AND $showPosts) OR $subCatCount>0) $subCatLinks.="</ul>"; if (($subCatCount>0) || ($showPosts)) { $subCatLinks.= " </div>\n"; } $subCatLinks.= " </li> <!-- ending subcategory -->\n"; } } } return( array( $subCatLinks, $subCatCount, $subCatPostCount ) ); } function collapscat_replace_newlines($text) { if (strpos($text,"\n")!==false || strpos($text,"\r")!==false) { $text = preg_replace("/[\r\n][\r\n]?/", "<br />", $text); } return $text; } function collapscat_catfilter($categories) { global $options; extract($options); $inExclusionArray = array(); if ( !empty($inExcludeCats )) { $exterms = preg_split('/\s*[,]+\s*/',$inExcludeCats); if ( count($exterms) ) { foreach ( $exterms as $exterm ) { $sanitizedTitle = sanitize_title(trim($exterm)); $inExclusionArray[] = $sanitizedTitle; } } } for ($i=0; $i<count($categories); $i++) { if ($inExclude=='exclude' && !empty($inExclusionArray)) { if (in_array($categories[$i]->slug, $inExclusionArray) OR in_array($categories[$i]->term_id, $inExclusionArray)) { unset($categories[$i]); } } } return $categories; } function collapscat_orderbyfilter($orderby, $args='') { global $options; extract($options); if ($catSort!='') { if ($catSort=='catName') { $orderby=""; } elseif ($catSort=='catId') { $orderby="t.term_id"; } elseif ($catSort=='catSlug') { $orderby="t.slug"; } elseif ($catSort=='catOrder') { $orderby="t.term_order"; } elseif ($catSort=='catCount') { $orderby="tt.count"; } } return $orderby; } function get_collapscat_fromdb($args='') { global $expandSym,$collapseSym, $wpdb,$options,$wp_query, $autoExpand, $postsToExclude, $postsInCat; include('defaults.php'); $options=wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($options); include('symbols.php'); $inExclusionArray = array(); if ( !empty($inExcludeCats )) { $exterms = preg_split('/[,]+/',$inExcludeCats); if ( count($exterms) ) { foreach ( $exterms as $exterm ) { $sanitizedTitle = sanitize_title($exterm); $inExclusionArray[] = $sanitizedTitle; if (empty($inExclusions)) $inExclusions = "'$sanitizedTitle'"; else $inExclusions .= ", '$sanitizedTitle'"; } } } if ( empty($inExclusions) || $inExclude=='include' ) { $inExcludeQuery = ""; } else { $inExcludeQuery ="AND t.slug NOT IN ($inExclusions)"; } if ($postSort!='') { if ($postSort=='postDate') { $postSortColumn="ORDER BY p.post_date"; } elseif ($postSort=='postId') { $postSortColumn="ORDER BY"; } elseif ($postSort=='postTitle') { $postSortColumn="ORDER BY p.post_title"; } elseif ($postSort=='postComment') { $postSortColumn="ORDER BY p.comment_count"; } elseif ($postSort=='postOrder') { $postSortColumn="ORDER BY p.menu_order"; } } if ($defaultExpand!='') { $autoExpand = preg_split('/,\s*/',$defaultExpand); } else { $autoExpand = array(); } /* Now allowing custom taxonomies, but we put this in for backwards compatibility */ if (isset($catTag) && !isset($taxonomy)) $taxonomy = $catTag; if ($taxonomy == 'tag') { $taxonomyQuery= "'post_tag'"; } elseif ($taxonomy == 'both') { $taxonomyQuery= "'category','post_tag'"; } elseif ($taxonomy == 'cat') { $taxonomyQuery= "'category'"; } else { $taxonomyQuery= "'$taxonomy'"; } /* we also need to specify post types */ $post_type_query = "AND post_type='$post_type'"; if ($olderThan > 0) { $now = date('U'); $olderThanQuery= "AND date(post_date) > '" . date('Y-m-d', $now-date('U',$olderThan*60*60*24)) . "'"; } else { $olderThanQuery = ''; } $posts = NULL; if ($showPosts) { $postsInCat=array(); $postquery= "select ID, slug, date(post_date) as date, post_status, post_type, post_date, post_author, post_title, post_name, name, object_id, t.term_id from $wpdb->term_relationships AS tr, $wpdb->posts AS p, $wpdb->terms AS t, $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt WHERE tt.term_id = t.term_id AND object_id=ID $olderThanQuery AND post_status='publish' AND tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id AND tt.taxonomy IN ($taxonomyQuery) $post_type_query $postSortColumn $postSortOrder"; $posts= $wpdb->get_results($postquery); foreach ($posts as $post) { if ( empty( $postsInCat[$post->term_id] ) ) { $postsInCat[$post->term_id]=array(); } array_push($postsInCat[$post->term_id], $post); } } add_filter('description', 'collapscat_replace_newlines'); add_filter('get_terms', 'collapscat_catfilter'); add_filter('get_terms_orderby', 'collapscat_orderbyfilter'); $args = array('order' => $catSortOrder); if ($showEmptyCat) $args['hide_empty'] = false; $categories = get_terms($taxonomy, $args); if ( ! is_array( $posts ) ) { $totalPostCount = 0; } else { $totalPostCount=count( $posts ); } if ($totalPostCount>5000) { $options['showPosts']=false; $showPosts=false; } $includeCatArray=array(); $parents=array(); foreach ($categories as $cat) { // if only including certain categories, we build an array of those // category ids if ($inExclude=='include' && !empty($inExclusionArray)) { $includes = add_to_includes($cat, $inExclusionArray); if (!empty($includes)) { $includeCatArray = array_merge($includeCatArray, $includes); } } if ($cat->parent!=0) { array_push($parents, $cat->parent); } } $includeCatArray = array_unique($includeCatArray); $postsToExclude=array(); if ($excludeAll==1) { foreach ($posts as $post) { if (in_array($post->slug, $inExclusionArray)) { array_push($postsToExclude, $post->ID); } } } // add in computed options to options array $computedOptions = compact('includeCatArray', 'expandSym', 'collapseSym'); $options = array_merge($options, $computedOptions); if ($debug==1) { echo "<li style='display:none' >"; echo "\ncollapsCat options:\n"; print_r($options); echo "\npostsToExclude:\n"; print_r($postsToExclude); echo "\nCATEGORY QUERY RESULTS\n"; print_r($categories); echo "POST QUERY:\n $postquery\n"; echo "\nPOST QUERY RESULTS\n"; print_r($posts); echo "</li>"; } remove_filter( 'get_terms', 'collapscat_catfilter' ); remove_filter( 'get_terms_orderby', 'collapscat_orderbyfilter' ); remove_filter( 'description', 'collapscat_replace_newlines' ); return(array($posts, $categories, $parents, $options)); } function list_categories( $posts, $categories, $parents, $options, $cookies ) { /* returns a list of categories, and optionally subcategories and posts, which can be collapsed or expanded with javascript */ global $collapsCatItems, $wpdb,$options,$wp_query, $autoExpand, $postsToExclude, $totalCatPostCount, $thisCatID, $cur_terms, $thisPost, $wp_rewrite, $catlink, $postsInCat, $showPostDate; $number = 0; $addMisc = false; extract($options); $collapsCatText=''; $cur_terms = array(); if (is_single()) { $tmp_terms = wp_get_object_terms($wp_query->post->ID, $taxonomy); foreach ($tmp_terms as $tmp_cat) { $cur_terms[] = $tmp_cat->term_id; } $thisPost = $wp_query->post->ID; foreach ($categories as $cat) { if (!empty($cur_terms) && (in_array($cat->term_id, $cur_terms))) { checkCurrentCat($cat,$categories); } } } if ( is_category() || is_tax() ) { $thisCatID = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id(); $thisCat = get_term($thisCatID, $taxonomy); checkCurrentCat($thisCat,$categories); } $catlink = $wp_rewrite->get_category_permastruct(); $the_post = get_post(); foreach( $categories as $cat ) { $totalCatPostCount=0; if ($inExclude=='include' && !empty($includeCatArray)) { if (!in_array($cat->term_id, $includeCatArray) && !in_array($cat->post_parent, $includeCatArray)) { continue; } } if ($cat->parent!=0 ) continue; if (is_archive() && ($cat->term_id==$thisCatID)) { $self=" self"; $parent.=" active"; } else { $self=""; } if (in_array($cat->slug, $autoExpand)) { $parent=" parent"; } else { $parent=""; } if ( is_single() && in_array( $cat->term_id, wp_get_post_categories( $the_post->ID ) ) ) { $parent.=" active"; } $rssLink=addFeedLink($catfeed,$cat); $subCatPostCount=0; $subCatCount=0; list ($subCatLinks, $subCatCount,$subCatPostCount)= get_sub_cat($cat, $categories, $parents, $posts, $subCatCount,$subCatPostCount,'none',0); if ( ! empty( $postsInCat[$cat->term_id] ) ) { list($subCatPostCount2, $posttext2) = getSubPosts($postsInCat[$cat->term_id], $cat, $showPosts); } else { $subCatPostCount2 = $cat->count; } $theCount=$subCatPostCount2 + $totalCatPostCount; if ($theCount>0 || $showEmptyCat) { $expanded='none'; $theID='collapsCat-' . $cat->term_id . ":$number"; if (((in_array($cat->name, $autoExpand) || in_array($cat->slug, $autoExpand)) && $expandCatPost) || ($useCookies && isset($cookies[$theID]) && $cookies[$theID]==1)) { $expanded='block'; } if ($showPosts || $subCatPostCount>0 || $showEmptyCat) { if ($expanded=='block') { $show='collapse'; $symbol=$collapseSym; } else { $show='expand'; $symbol=$expandSym; } $span= " <li class='collapsing categories expandable" . $self . $parent . "'>". "<span class='collapsing categories $show'>"; if($theCount>0) $span .= "<span class='sym'>$symbol</span>"; else $span .= "<span class='empty none_theCount'> </span>"; } else { $span = " <li class='collapsing categories item" . $self. "'>"; } $link=getCollapsCatLink($cat,$catlink); if ( empty($cat->description) ) { $link .= 'title="'. sprintf(__("View all posts filed under %s", 'collapsing-categories'), esc_attr( apply_filters( 'single_cat_title', $cat->name ) ) ) . '"'; } else { $link .= 'title="' . esc_attr( apply_filters( 'description', $cat->description, $cat) ) . '"'; } $link .= '>'; if ( $linkToCat ) { $link .= apply_filters('single_cat_title', $cat->name).'</a>'; if ($showPosts || $subCatPostCount>0) { $span.='</span>'; } } else { if ($showPosts || $subCatPostCount>0) { $link .= apply_filters('single_cat_title',$cat->name) . '</a></span>'; } else { // don't include the triangles if posts are not shown and there // are no more subcategories $link .= apply_filters('single_cat_title',$cat->name).'</a>'; $span = " <li class='collapsing categories item'>"; } } // Now print out the post info $posttext=''; if( ! empty($postsInCat[$cat->term_id]) ) { list ($subCatPostCount, $posttext) = getSubPosts($posts, $cat, $showPosts); } if( $showPostCount) { $link .= ' (' . $theCount.')'; } $link.=$rssLink; if ($theCount<1 && !$showEmptyCat) { $link=''; $span=''; } if ($showTopLevel) { $collapsCatText.=$span . $link; if (($subCatPostCount>0) || ($showPosts)) { $collapsCatText .= "\n <div id='$theID'" . " style=\"display:$expanded\">\n"; } } if ($showPosts) { if ($subCatPostCount>0 && $subCatLinks!='' && $addMisc) { $posttext = (miscPosts($cat,$catlink,$subCatPostCount2,$posttext)); } } /* we only actually add the posts if it is expanded. Otherwise we add the posts dynamically to the dom from a javascript array However, we can't have an empty ul, so we create one emtpy li here */ if ($postsBeforeCats) { $text =$posttext . $subCatLinks; } else { $text = $subCatLinks . $posttext; } if ($theID!='' && ! isset($collapsCatItems[$theID]) || ! $collapsCatItems[$theID] ) { $collapsCatItems[$theID] = "<ul>$text</ul>"; } if ($expanded!='block' && $showTopLevel && $showPosts) { $posttext=''; } if ($postsBeforeCats) { $text =$posttext . $subCatLinks; } else { $text = $subCatLinks . $posttext; } if ($text!='') $collapsCatText .= "<ul>$text</ul>"; if ($showTopLevel) { if ($subCatPostCount>0 || $showPosts) { $collapsCatText .= " </div>\n"; } $collapsCatText .= " </li> <!-- ending category -->\n"; } } // end if theCount>0 } return(array($collapsCatText, $postsInCat)); } ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Collapsing Categories] Collapsing Categories Suddenly Not Working(@jahrvos)
In version 3 Collapsing Categories switched the plugin to the new gutenberg-based blocks instead of the classic widgets. Version 3 only works with themes which support gutenberg based widgets, which were released about two years ago.
I had the same problem, after install the old version everything worked again…its bad!!!!!!!!!
I use simple widgets
After the update from version 2.2.7 to 3.0.8, all installed widgets disappeared and “Collapsing Categories” is no longer in the list of widgets!
WordPress 5.6.8
Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)