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Forum: Hacks
In reply to: I have a doozy…..What does curPageURL() do? Judging from the function-name it returns the url of the current page? If so, the ‘paged’ key only accepts the current page NUMBER, not the URL. Perhaps that is the problem?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: When do I really need remove_filter or remove_action?Unless I completely misunderstand, this code makes no sense to me.
add_action does not add an action permanently but only for the current instance, so you do not need the remove_action in this case.
Also, the “else” clause will only be called when there is another plugin which defines the myPlugin class. I am guessing you think that that part of the code gets executed after activation? WHich is not the case, however even if it did work like that then there would be no need to call the activate function since the plugin is already activated (but again, it doesn’t work like that).
I am afraid you have been reading the wrong tutorials because this code makes no sense at all.
Try or for startersForum: Hacks
In reply to: archive.php hackAs far as I know, bdw_get_images is not part of WordPress core? So without knowing what that function does it is difficult to say why it doesn’t work.
You can get attached pictures using only wp core functions in a number of ways, for example:$args = array( 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_parent' => $post->ID, 'post_mime_type' => 'image' ); $images = get_posts($args); echo '<img src="'.wp_get_attachment_url($images[0]->ID, 'thumbnail', false, false).'" />';
I didn’t test this code, so tread carefully.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: redirect to other "view" of same postThanks, I was unaware of this possibility.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: only one register_taxonomy works when defining multipleFound the problem. I forgot to set the capabilities properly (manage_options).
Really? hmm, then I have another problem, lol. Never mind, I’ll manage from here. thanks for your time.
Thank for your help. I narrowed the problem down to 2 issues:
1) Taxes on shipping are added to the ‘cost’ even if you set prices to be tax-included. So the ‘cost’ of Shipping must always be excluding taxes. However, when you do this and you select no country in the shipping field on the payment page, costs are shown without taxes, which is confusing (not just to me, but also for a customer). This problem I can work around.
2) The cache you spoke of creates an interesting problem when you use weight-based costs. When you go to payment page and after that you go back to the shop and either add or remove items so the weight changes, the shipping cost does not change unless you flush the cache; which I cannot find how to do programatically? Could you tell me how to do that. If I can solve that problem I am golden ??
I am not asking you to help me write a custom gateway. I am asking -in general- if people can explain what I am doing wrong in my code that explains the behaviour.
Time is not an issue for me, I’d rather happily spend weeks on a project and have something that works and I know why, than that I have to buy black boxes that never work 100% the way i need them to.
Thanks for the tip about the cache. It does explain part of the problem, but not all. I guess I will just have to step through the code line by line to see how it works.
I am 43 and I have been programming since I was 11 so I hope that qualifies me as at least a bit of an expert when I say I think Woocommerce is not very clear coded and documented. Just an observation, not meant to be any critique at you or anyone personal.the id=’dd’ is something left over from a test I did. It should be $this->id obviously. But it makes no difference for the result.
Thanks for the reply.
The client is low on funds (non-profit) and I do the project for next to nothing. 80$ is a bit to steep I am afraid.
While I suspected the country code to be “Wrong” it was something I decided to c heck later, after I got the basics to work.
Right now I do not look at the country code. I have a very basic class that just does $this->add_rate as described in my second post.
I included this method for all countries.What I have right now is:
class WC_PostNL extends WC_Shipping_Method { //var $id = 'postnl'; function __construct() { $this->id = 'postnl'; $this->method_title = "PostNL"; //$this->title = "PostNL"; //$this->enabled = true; $this->init(); } function init() { $this->init_form_fields(); $this->init_settings(); $this->enabled = $this->settings['enabled']; $this->title = $this->settings['title']; $this->availability = $this->settings['availability']; $this->countries = $this->settings['countries']; add_action('woocommerce_update_options_shipping_' . $this->id, array(&$this, 'process_admin_options')); } function init_form_fields() { global $woocommerce; $this->form_fields = array( 'enabled' => array( 'title' => __('Enable/Disable', 'woocommerce'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __('PostNL aan/uit zetten', 'woocommerce'), 'default' => 'yes' ), 'title' => array( 'title' => __('Method Title', 'woocommerce'), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Titel', 'woocommerce'), 'default' => __('PostNL', 'woocommerce') ), 'availability' => array( 'title' => __('Method availability', 'woocommerce'), 'type' => 'select', 'default' => 'all', 'class' => 'availability', 'options' => array( 'all' => __('All allowed countries', 'woocommerce'), 'specific' => __('Specific Countries', 'woocommerce') ) ), 'countries' => array( 'title' => __('Specific Countries', 'woocommerce'), 'type' => 'multiselect', 'class' => 'chosen_select', 'css' => 'width: 450px;', 'default' => '', 'options' => $woocommerce->countries->countries ) ); } function calculate_shipping($package = array()) { $this->rates = array(); $rate = array( 'id' => 'dd', 'label' => "", 'cost' => 5, ); $this->add_rate( $rate ); } function is_available($package) { global $woocommerce; if ($this->enabled == "no") { return false; } return apply_filters('woocommerce_shipping_' . $this->id . '_is_available', true); } }
Which yields the strange behaviour as described in my second post.
Ok, so I finally got it to the point where it actually does something. but Why it does what it does, is beyond me.
I disabled all other Shipping methods except my own. As a test I simply do this:
$rate = array( 'id' => $this->id, 'label' => "", 'cost' => 5, ); $this->add_rate( $rate );
What happens is:
1) At first this amount of 5 is added to the totals
2) When I choose the country “Netherlands” It suddenly changes to 6,05
3) When i choose “Belgium” It disapaers and states I must enter address. When I add something to the “State” field, it changes back to 6,05 again.Now I suppose the 6,05 is the 5 plus taxes? But if, so why does it not get added before I enter a country (besides the 5 I entered is already tax included)
And why is it dependend on the state? I actually want to hide the state-field because it is redundant for my situation.The Documentation is not very clear on the Shipping API
Never mind, I found it myself. I am using a parent theme which overrides the class and id names of widgets.
I found the problem: The second foreach in the wptimeline_settings function (around line 160 in timeline_options.php) uses: <? instead of <?php.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Organiser] [Plugin: Event Organiser] How to sort events?Ah..never mind…sorry I just noticed the eo_get_events function.
@axenstar86: Just a tip: that is not how you are supposed to use the address-element. Address is only to be used to markup contact addresses of a document/file author.