Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] Responsive Scroll Not WorkingI pasted the same CSS code in the theme CSS setting and now it works fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] Responsive Scroll Not WorkingI added this piece of CSS but still i am facing the same issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Table of Contents] Table Position before heading isn’t workingI have found the issue with the plugin.
If the first heaeding contains “-” then table of content isn’t showing.
Refer to below screenshot
Screenshot 1 – First Heading with “-” and TOC is not showing
https://prnt.sc/dM_B5mGriqEDScreenshot 2 – First Heading without “-” and TOC is showing
https://prnt.sc/Br3A6s4YdFN6Please update your plugin so that it could consider headings with “-“.
Waiting for a solution.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Table of Contents] Table Position before heading isn’t workingI have tried it but didnt solved my problem.
Let me clarify?my issue again.?
All old post contains a table of contents when I select before heading from the plugin options while all new articles are having issues and there is no TOC inserted.
Note that now i have changed settings to be default (before first heading) so that you can check and advise accordingly?to solve this issue.
Example New Post (TOC is not shown) –?https://wealthycelebrity.com/bettany-hughes/Example Old Post (TOC is show) –?https://wealthycelebrity.com/how-to-watch-star-wars-movies/
Please support.`Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Table of Contents] TOC not showing before first headingI am facing the same issue. PLEASE SUPPORT URGENTLY.
Let me clarify?my issue first.
All old post contains table of contents when i select before first heading from the plugin options while all new articles are having issues and there is no TOC inserted.Note that now i have changed settings to be default (before first heading) so that you can check and advise accordingly?to solve this issue.
Example New Post (TOC is not shown) –?https://wealthycelebrity.com/bettany-hughes/Example Old Post (TOC is shown) –?https://wealthycelebrity.com/how-to-watch-star-wars-movies/
Please support.`
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Table of Contents] Table Position before heading isn’t workingI know that option, i am using same plugin on my other websites as well but when I select that option (before first heading (default)) on this website, then nothing (no table of contents) is being shown on my posts.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Table of Contents] Table Position before heading isn’t workingPlease refer to the below screenshot and advise accordingly
HThat seems to be working fine for me now.
But still the text is too big.
How to control the text size of all and specific table ?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Stories] Web stories plugin broken images issueThe front end is working because i fixed the link manually.
But at backend editor, still images are broken and i have checked console and there are multiple errors.
List of Console error – https://pern-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/hassan_8978536_talmeez_pk/EYzncpspUOFLolkImcQlR_kBPVr_COJ0E4xFWreRwlA9YQ?e=OafJgr
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Stories] Web stories plugin broken images issueThanks, I did that and solved half of the issue.
Now images are shown in editor slides but still cover image and brand logo are shown broken and cover image/featured images link is being inserted with cdn at the start of link.
The featured image / Cover image is not shown even on the front end.
https://prnt.sc/26ov1mdAnd i believe all this is happenning because link to image is being inserted without CDN.
https://prnt.sc/26ov2awKidnly support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Stories] Web Story is invalid & Images from Media are not LoadingI am facing the same issue,
When i am creating a webstory and try to upload any image, its shows for a sec and then its shown as broken image. Also images from my media are not loading at all.
While creating story it shows as broken but once i try to preview it, then all images are showing fine.
I need support to resolve this issue, as i cannot create stories as images are shown broken inside stories plugin