16 years ago
I solved it! The solution can be found here:
You have to edit archive.php and change:
<div class=”entry”> <?php print character_limiter($post->post_content,650); ?> “>Read More
<div class=”entry”> <?php the_content(); ?>
Hurray! ??
Just updated to v2.8. Seems to work now!
@the5thdimension: The solution for issue number 2 can be found here:
Question 2: I solved it! The solution can be found here:
Question 2: Same problem here. Still looking for a sollution.
Question 3: You can find that in functions.php in your theme.
@the5thdimension I have the same problem as you described in issue number 2. Does anyone have a solution for this problem? jberghem perhaps?
Still not working for me. I have a correct footer.php but I don’t see the code anywhere. I’m using a static front page (page_home.php) that displays the WP-Cumulus plugin by Roy Tanck which displays a tag-cloud.
I upgraded from 2.6.1 to 2.7.1. Works like a charm! Thank you very much!!