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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] Problem checking in GoogleFor verification use the google microdata inspection tool: checking I go through of google sech console.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Asgaros Forum] The translation of forums and topics does not workТак а где его искать? Там штук 20 файлов с кодом.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Asgaros Forum] The translation of forums and topics does not workЯ имел ввиду не сообщение о регистрации, а фильтр содержания в названиях и текстах. Если это конечно вообще возможно.
К сведению. Я снимал регистрацию. Для ПК предложение исчезло. Но в мобильной версии осталось, и затуляет пол экрана.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Asgaros Forum] The translation of forums and topics does not workТак, а как ее снять вообще? Ведь с учетом отсутствия регистрации пользователей, форуму это ничем не грозит.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Asgaros Forum] The translation of forums and topics does not workЗдравствуйте,!
не совсем понимаю чем поможет именно геолокация. Сайт уже трех язычный и страницы работают нормально. Если вы имеете ввиду какой то конкретный плагин, то я попросил бы ссылку на него.Проблема заключается в следующем: категория форума работает нормально.
Перевод сайта осуществляется вручную, то есть каждый текст прописывается на 3 языках. Переключение языка происходит по средствам смены страницы с …пример/ на пример/uk/ или пример/en/. При переходе на другую страницу на другом языке, форум в целом работает нормально: переводит меню и технические надписи. Некоторые проблемы есть на украинском языке, так как часть текста остается английской.
Но форумы, подфорумы и темы, – не реагируют на перевод. Более того, остаются видны символы переключения страницы {:ru}русский{:}{:en}англ{:}{:uk}укр{:} в названии форума или тексте. А эти форумы должны функционировать как и категория, – показывать текст на выбранном пользователем языке.Вместе с тем, хотелось бы задать еще один вопрос. Как убрать надпись об регистрации (авторизируйтесь или регистрируйтесь), так как на форуме будет отключена возможность регистрации, и по сути он будет доступен только для чтения.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Asgaros Forum] The translation of forums and topics does not workSince the site has a small problem with switching the language version through the menu, I want to add these links to switch the language version: general, I discussed the issue with the translation of the VFOR. The plugin does not support the translation and probably will not do it in the near future. Creating different forums through short codes is also not supported.
As a solution, I chose to switch to another plug-in “Asgaros forum”. This plugin supports translation and works fine. So, as I did not manage to fill the forum with content, then this is not such a big problem.Thank to the specialists WPGlobus for your support, and for the timely reply.
I think that the problem can be considered solved, although not in the right version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wpForo Forum] The problem of translating forum contentI’ve come across forums that have blended content on one page. Frankly they are very difficult to use. Especially if the text in the language selected by you is at the bottom of the page.
Mixed content in one forum confuses and complicates the search for the necessary information.
A normal alternative to dividing the page into sub-divisions is not (when each page has its own language).
From the point of view of developing the forum as a platform for communication, you are probably right. Since the user can not be forced to fill the text in several languages.
in my case this is not so, because the planned forum is closed for registration and is only for read.
In fact, in my case, the forum is needed as a convenient separator of topics and categories. And because the site administrator fills the content, it is obvious that he will translate it.
In fact, this is the directory “faq” but is longer than 2-level. I did not find any plugins “faq” for 3-level ones. On this I stopped at the forum.
In this regard, I am forced to abandon your application, because I found your competitors plugin in which the translation works (Asgaros forum).Functionality of course suits less, but the determining factor in making a decision is the availability of translation support.
I hope that this topic will help you improve your product. Thank you for the timely reply, I wish you to successfully develop and reach new heights
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wpForo Forum] The problem of translating forum contentThe thing is, that my company works both with clients from different countries. For example, the presence of the Russian text does not constitute a significant problem for the Ukrainian-speaking visitor to the site. But unfortunately, this can not be said about English speakers visitor to the site.
WPGlobus plugin, allows you to post content in different languages. The translation is done manually – not automatically.
Statistics (Google Analytics on the APP-Invest site) shows that 2-3% English-speaking visitor, 20-30 Ukrainian-speaking.
I do not criticize the work of your plug-in, I think that it is executed perfectly, beautiful and convenient design, the ability to configure it is well worked out.
But the business services that my company provides require more friendly and responsive attitude to customers, or the company will lose customers.In general, the problem could be solved by posting 2 forums (copies of the first) in another language on a separate page. But I did not find such settings.
Can I generate a short code for a single forum?In my opinion, is that the addition of multi-language in your plugin will greatly improve its attractiveness as a product. But this is of course at your discretion.
thanks Tom for quick response!
The first problem was solved. I tried this method before contacting support, adding 20px but it did not work. Increasing by your recommendation the size of the menu by 40px – helped.
The second problem was not solved. The translator itself is slightly above the menu items. It seems that he ignores the style settings
- This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by uavms.
I would gladly have created three different forums. And I would not raise this issue. But unfortunately the plugin generates one shortcode and does not allow generating separate forums.
And mixing in one forum, forums in 3 languages is like a perversion. It is better to leave already one language
Yes, I’ve turned to plug-in developers with the question in those support. At the moment I’m waiting for an answer (
In general, judging by the description of the plugin, I understand that it should support multilingualism. But there are no materials regarding the translation of the forum content.
Description of the order of translation, by reference
This problem is very sad, it will be very bad if the forum will be in one language: (I tried to complete everything as in the article but nothing helped.
when the plugins are not translated and use the shortcode, I actually inserted just different pages in different languages and goes out normally. But in this case it will not work, because the plugin generates only one forum.
Recommended plugins: WPGlobus Translate Options, WPGlobus for WPBakery Visual Composer -no reaction. Added and saved all possible codes, but there is no reaction.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Glossary] Problems with link to terms (page terms)I answer my own question. I know exactly how the problem was corrected. But ships around with help WP DBUG.
Activate WP DBUG in the file wp-config.php in the root section of the site.
First you need to check the wp-config.php on the presence of the following lines
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);
define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, false);
@ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0);
If they are, you can replace “false” on “true”, and “0” on “1”.If not then add
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true);
define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, true);
@ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);
But be careful, the inclusion of functions can affect the operation of other programs.After 5-10 minutes, I updated the WP Glossary plug-in settings and it started working and the page is showing up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photo Gallery, Sliders, Proofing and Themes - NextGEN Gallery] Problem withI answer myself to my question :), suddenly someone will face such a problem.If I took the time to pay attention to the work, I think it would be faster. Spent the whole day on this problem. In the end, it is solved.
Apparently, the slide show did not work because of incompatibility with the Minify HTML Settings plugin (or its incorrect configuration). Having disabled some functions the slide show has earned.