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  • The grey font on black background is a wee bit difficult to read, especially as small and narrow as the font is.

    Otherwise I like it, it’s very different.

    Thread Starter tylerwillis


    @moshu: Offended? Nah. Anyone with that kind of custom 404 page deserves to have it thrown in his face on occassion. ?? I was just happy that it turned out to be an easy fix. And it’s also nice to know that the 404 page is still working.

    @vkaryl: Thank you. A lot of people don’t get constructive criticism and perceive it as an attack, but I’ve always been one of those people who prefer to hear what’s wrong with what I’ve done… cause I can try to fix it. Of course, compliments don’t hurt either. ??

    At some point, I may try to reduce it down to a packagable theme for the WP community, but I haven’t upgraded to 2.0 yet… and there might be more tinkering to be done.

    Thread Starter tylerwillis


    @moshu: I wish you could see how much of a laugh that got out of me. And right after I declared not being a moron. In any case, thanks for pointing it out: it was a matter of having moved zoocat’s bio post (which apparently changed the permalink?) and not updating his user profile. Fixed now. ??

    Thread Starter tylerwillis


    @waraxe: *I could have sworn that I fixed that.* In any case, I modified my CSS so that it should display properly in IE down to 1024×768. Tinkering didn’t seem to help at 800×600, but I’ve never really designed with that resolution in mind. Thanks for pointing it out.

    Thread Starter tylerwillis


    @msadventures: Thanks. I was just about to see if anyone had further criticism as I’ve fixed most stuff on the site.

    Fixed: overwhelming sidebar (hopefully), horizontal scrollbar, text disappearing in IE, broken meta box in IE, removed call that was generating errors.
    Changed: color scheme (it no longer looks like a rainbow’s rejection pile) and post styling.

    I would welcome general thoughts, of course, but I did have a specific concern: I use the plugin that was generating errors for everyone in my comments section. It’s a different function, but I’m concerned that it’s generating errors that I can’t see.

    If anyone would mind, please take a look at a post that has comments ( and see if it’s generating errors. I’ve actually written up a little how-to on the comment technique I used, and I thought I would share with the WP community at some point… but it would be *very* embarrassing to write such and then have a broken comments section.


    Thread Starter tylerwillis


    @moshu – I never noticed the horizontal scrollbar, I’ll look into it.

    @waraxe – I was just noting that I would have fixed the warnings had I seen them. ?? And I design in Opera since it’s the only browser that regularly does what I want it to. I’ll check the site you listed and see if I can find out why text is disappearing.

    @practicallyeveryone – I’ll be reducing the number of sideboxes in a (soon) future update, and reducing the images used so that there’s not so much distraction. I probably should have done it before this since the site is not quite just my personal blog anymore, but I guess it took multiple people telling me to make me realize it.

    Thanks for the criticism, everyone. I’ll keep an eye on the thread if anyone else wants to mention, and I’ll prolly send a reply once I fix a few things.

    Thread Starter tylerwillis


    @spencerp: Thanks for the input. Based on fb, I’ll probably reduce the amount of crap on the sidebars and that should make it load a bit faster.

    @msadventures: Thanks for confirming. I’ve removed the J_Visitors plugin call (I think that was what was causing the error, based on what you said earlier), so hopefully it will looke fine (no warnings) now. The plugin is no biggie, and I’m not gonna waste time trying to fix something I can’t even see. ??

    Thread Starter tylerwillis


    @waraxe – warnings? Are you getting the same as msadventures? I certainly don’t see any warnings… I may be new to designing WP themes, but I’m not a complete moron. ??

    Thread Starter tylerwillis


    @chrishes – thanks. I’ve been thinking that there might be a bit too much on the page, as I’ve been adding stuff as I though “oooh, neat.” I may certainly take out a few sections.

    @ctrygstad – I chenged my resolution back and forth a good bit (I don’t have your particular res) and looked at it in IE, Opera, and FF, and I can’t seem to reproduce your oddity… wish I could, so I could fix it. As for the logos, I may take out the feedburner, but I wanted to keep the rest for ease of use in adding to rss readers… would you recommend putting those on a seperate page or changing them to text links? Unless I’m missing something, the recent comments box DOES have a light gray background… is it not showing up for anyone else?

    @msadventures I don’t think I’ve ever seen your error, it’s certainly not appearing right now. I’ve been thinking about doing away with that plugin, so I’ll add that to the consideration.
    Was it the index page that was being pushed down? What browser/resolution, if I may ask? I was aware of a few problems with content being pushed down, but I thought that I had gotten rid of most of them – especially on the front page.

    I do see the points about the sidebars overwhelming the content, I appreciate ya’ll noting that. Thanks for the pointers, I may keep plugging away at this after all. ??

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: A Luxury Travel Blog

    Looks good. I would spread the google ads out a little more, but it’s ok as it is. Categories are awesome.

    Thread Starter tylerwillis


    Thanks, twat. That seems to have more or less worked. I had been trying to do a fresh install and then copy stuff over… so yeah, that didn’t work.

    Thread Starter tylerwillis


    Wow… thanks to both of ya for figuring that out. I had no idea that it was gonna be that complex – it seems that it should be simpler, but ah well.

    I’m not sure what your code even does, alphaoide, but it works perfectly. I appreciate your help.

    Thread Starter tylerwillis



    Thank you for the suggestion. I gave it a whirl, but it produced nothing for me. I looked up the get_results command in the codex and tried out the example they gave – and it worked. I then tried to slowly modify it to bring it in line with what I wanted it to do, but it seemed to hang up on the post_category – no matter what I tried, it either outputted all categories or returned an error.

    I certainly appreciate the suggestion – did you actually have this running at some point? If so, would you mind posting the full code so I could take a look?

    Any other suggestions are welcome, but I’m thinking that I might just have to add another subcategory.

    Looks good in Opera 8.01.

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