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  • Thread Starter tta


    Okay, figured it out, it’s a permissions problem. My normal user cannot deal with the cache files created by my webserver user.

    To solve it, I issue the command as such;

    sudo -u www-data wp total-cache flush

    Thread Starter tta


    Seems like I had to activate the Jetpack Post Views plugin before the Jetpack plugin. Seems to work now.

    Thread Starter tta


    edit: nvm

    Thread Starter tta


    Oh boy, look at this

    define( 'FVSHOP_URL', WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/fvshop' );
    define( 'FVSHOP_DIR', WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/fvshop' );

    Had WP_PLUGIN_URL on both *facepalm*

    Fixed that, now I don’t get the error anymore.

    Thread Starter tta


    Thanks a lot for the reply.

    Yeah, I don’t know why there’s a function inside a function, got angry and tired, rewriting a lot of it over and over, trying to figure out what the problem was. Blaming it on that. ??

    I tried making all kinds of different “test” functions just to see if they worked, and I got the same error. It does load the fvshop-admin-core.php file, but still gives me that error about the functions. So if I keep those in the main file, I fear I’ll still get the same error from the other ones.

    Thread Starter tta


    Installed latest version (1.3.4 released on the 4th), and now it seems it works. ??

    Thread Starter tta


    Hey guys,

    Yes, curtislow is right, sorry about the /fv part. I forgot to edit that out, it’s from a local development site when I wrote that code. ??

    Thread Starter tta


    Ah, stupid me.
    I didn’t realize I could enter the category names, haha. Don’t know why I figured I gotta enter the cat id (which also works!). ??

    Thread Starter tta


    yeah I mentioned Query Posts Plugin in my original post. ??
    Problem with it is that you have to enter the category id, instead of having a dropdown menu or select list to choose category by name, which I want to be able to do, and is what I asked about, hehe. ??

    I’m looking at the screenshot on the plugin page:

    And I can see that there’s a drop down list called “category name”, is this out in the latest version? Because I can’t find it, also my window that opens up is all messed up. ??

    Thread Starter tta



    there’s a plugin called Enhanced Search Form, and supposedly it lets you search with tags and categories. I didn’t get it to work (on 3.0.1) though. See if you can get it to work.

    Other than that, I did manage to make something that worked for me. No idea how good it actually is, keep in mind that I am not really a php coder. Someone could probably come up with a better solution, no doubt.

    You have a search form and you can search for a keyword, tags (check mutliple ones) and a category. You can choose to search for posts containing ALL tags or ANY of the chosen tags.

    So the search form POSTs your choices to this other file, which will build a search URL for you and send you to it.

    So try this out, at your own risk. ??


    <form action="<?php bloginfo('template_url') ?>/build_search.php" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
    	<input type="text" name="keywordsearch" value="" id="title">
    	<?php wp_dropdown_categories( 'show_option_all=All Categories' ); ?>
    	<select name="and-or" id="select-and-or">
    		<option value="OR">Match ANY of the checkboxes (default)</option>
    		<option value="AND">Match ALL of the checkboxes</option>
    		// The following will list all tags with a checkbox next to them.
    		$tags = get_terms( 'post_tag' );
    		$checkboxes = '';
    		foreach($tags as $tag) :
    			$checkboxes .='<input type="checkbox" name="tag[]" value="'.$tag -> slug.'" id="tag-'.$tag->term_id.'" /><label for="tag-'.$tag->term_id.'">'.$tag->name.'</label>';
    		print $checkboxes;
    	<p><input type="submit" value="Search"></p>

    Now the following file, there’s a lot you probably could do to shorten it, but as I mentioned I’m not really a php coder and I just typed stuff up to make it happen for me. ??

    	//	Keyword search
    	if (isset($_POST['keywordsearch'])) {
            $text_search = $_POST['keywordsearch'];
            $text = $text_search;
    	//	If there is no keyword entered
    	else {
            $text = '';
    	//	If there's a category search
    	if (isset($_POST["cat"])) {
    		$cat = $_POST["cat"];
    	// If there's a tag search
    	if (isset($_POST["tag"])){
    		$tags_array = array();
    		$tags_array = $_POST["tag"];
    		foreach ($tags_array as $key => $value)
    			if ($_POST["and-or"] == "OR") {
    				//	tag1 OR tag2 is chosen, add a comma after the tags
    				$string .= $value.',';
    			elseif ($_POST["and-or"] == "AND") {
    				//	tag1 AND tag2 is chosen, add a plus after the tags.
    				$string .= $value.'+';
    		// Remove the last symbol in the string, in this case the comma or plus that is added after each tag. We don't want it to look like "tag1+tag2+".
    		$tags_string = substr($string, 0, -1);
    			$tag = $tags_string;
    	//	If there's no search for tags, set it to 0
    	else {
    		$tag = 0;
    	// build the url with the variables
    	$url = header("Location:/fv/?s=$text&cat=$cat&tag=$tag");

    then the file that presents your search results,

    <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php the_title(); ?>
    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    <?php the_tags('',','); ?>
    <?php the_category(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; else: ?>
    <p><?php _e('Nothing found.'); ?></p>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Hope it works for ya, worked for me.

    Thread Starter tta


    Hmh. Unless there is another easy solution to my problem… I guess I could try something like this.

    if (is_single('program')) {
    	include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/program.php');
    elseif {
    // do whatever else depending on what site, like the_content();

    And in program.php set up whatever is going to show on the program page.

    Since each events program page will have the same slug (site/events/event-example/program/)

    Thread Starter tta


    Thank you for the response.
    Yes, I’ve looked into more fields, but unfortunately it’s not really what I’m looking for.

    The thing I’m looking for is an option to choose “duplicate this box and fields”, like a “add new” button on the edit page. So if I set up some fields for a person, I can choose to add a new person (get new/more fields).

    More fields doesn’t have this, you have to go into settings and choose create new and enter values and names etc all over again.

    Sorry if I can’t explain it well. :p

    Thread Starter tta


    Hmh, no one? :/

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