16 years, 1 month ago
Go to tags…add one tag…and it should star working. It did for me.
16 years, 11 months ago
its fixed….ms code embedded in the code caused error
ok its not every page but i am still confused
I am using autum concept but cannot find where to alter the css to do padding. is the site….any help would be appreciated
it must be a setting on my firefox…i can see it in explorer…just not in firefox. thank though…….
i fixed it…thanks
i can get it to work in explorer but not in firefox. the address is can you help?
my opinion….2.3 is a more robust version…use it until 2.6 arrives.
the file wp-includes\js\tinymce_mce_gzip.php will not load by ftp…why and how should this be corrected
I agree…how do i fix this…….