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  • Thread Starter tvk5300


    The Release Candidate from GitHub has solved the problem in Firefox.
    Printer dialog appears now again in Firefox.

    Topic resolved!

    Thread Starter tvk5300


    I think I found the cause of the error.
    Obviously the snippet contains a function that is not used; so I deleted it and the page shows without errors.

    Thread Starter tvk5300


    Now I have in the section: ‘Custom Print Page Style’:

    #myDIV {
    width: 100%;
    padding: 50px 0;
    text-align: center;
    background-color: lightgreen;
    margin-top: 20px;
    .su-table table {
    min-width: 100% !important;
    margin: 0 !important;
    border: 2px solid #000000 !important;
    .su-table table td {
    padding: .5em 1em !important;
    border: 1px solid #000 !important;
    background: #fff !important;

    And with this changes, the printing is what I want.

    Many thanks for your help!

    Case closed!

    Thread Starter tvk5300



    Because of ‘text-align: center;’ the printing has improved, but I am still missing the table-border.
    Adding also the table style seems to have no effect?

    Thread Starter tvk5300


    For the page I found how to resolve the problem, Using [insert_php][/insert_php] I have to echo the full <iframe>.

    So with this code:
    echo “Gekozen week van: ” .$startdag. “-” .$startmaand. “-” .$startjaar. ” tot: ” .$einddag. “-” .$eindmaand. “-” .$eindjaar. “<br>”;
    echo ‘<iframe width=”560″ height=”1050″ id=”f1″ name=”f1″ src=”; .$startdag. ‘&KBVB_datumvan_maand=’ .$startmaand. ‘&KBVB_datumvan_jaar=’ .$startjaar.’&KBVB_datumtot_dag=’.$einddag.’&KBVB_datumtot_maand=’.$eindmaand.’&KBVB_datumtot_jaar=’.$eindjaar.'” scrolling=”yes”></iframe>’;

    my page works also without the phpexec.php plugin.
    However the Gutenberg editor seems to have problems when you use functions in a page, because I still have to use the classic editor to make changes to the code; the error I get is:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (–) at position 0 (-): Unexpected character in /customers/7/4/e/ : eval()’d code:7 Stack trace: #0 /customers/7/4/e/ : eval()’d code(7): DateTime->__construct(‘–‘) #1 /customers/7/4/e/ eval() #2 /customers/7/4/e/ will_bontrager_insert_php(‘apply_filters(‘

    Soit is still waiting for an update of the plugin I suppose.

    Thread Starter tvk5300


    Andrea, the problem is that I use a lot of PHP code on my pages.
    I use the “phpexec.php” plugin now; this works in the classic editor, but for now on not in the Gutenberg editor.

    I am trying to switch my PHP to “Insert PHP Code Snippet”, but sometimes it works and sometimes I get errors; e.g. the page select a week and the form submit this to the page
    There I use the submitted dates to pass them to a external page using this code to show the result:

    if(empty($_POST[‘submit’])) {header(“location: /kalperweekform”);}
    $startdag = $_POST[‘KBVB_datumvan_dag’];
    $startmaand = $_POST[‘KBVB_datumvan_maand’];
    $startjaar = $_POST[‘KBVB_datumvan_jaar’];
    $date = new DateTime($startjaar.’-‘.$startmaand.’-‘.$startdag);
    $datum=$date->modify(‘+6 day’);

    $datum = date_format($date,”d-m-Y”);
    $arr = explode(‘-‘, $datum);
    $einddag = $arr[0];
    $eindmaand = $arr[1];
    $eindjaar = $arr[2];
    echo “Gekozen week van: ” .$startdag. “-” .$startmaand. “-” .$startjaar. ” tot: ” .$einddag. “-” .$eindmaand. “-” .$eindjaar. “<br>”;

    To show the first iframe (because this is data of an external site and can only be reached by using an iframe) I use then:

    <iframe width=”560″ height=”1050″ id=”f1″ name=”f1″ src=”<phpcode&gt;
    <?php echo $startdag ?>
    <?php echo $startmaand ?>
    <?php echo $startjaar ?>
    <?php echo $einddag ?>
    <?php echo $eindmaand ?>
    <?php echo $eindjaar ?>
    </phpcode>” scrolling=”yes”></iframe>

    Using the classic editor this works but switching to the Gutenberg editor results in en error.

    I have tried to replace <phpcode><?php with [insert_php] and ?></phpcode> with [/insert_php] and I get errors.

    Therefore i had the idea to make an own template for the page to avoid the use of the extra tags <phpcode> and [insert_php]; but then my menubar “jeugdmenu” is not present as e.g. on the page

    Perhaps I do not understand well how to make an template (I use the theme responsivepro-child) or I have to be patience until all plugins are upgraded?

    Thread Starter tvk5300


    Thanks sir,

    You gave me a great hint, the problem is solved; I had an extra css file in the <head> </head> that was not necessary.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Plugin wp-session-manager
    Thread Starter tvk5300


    Has somebody already any idea why the version 3.0.4 does not work on my site?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Plugin wp-session-manager
    Thread Starter tvk5300


    Update of my question of November 1st.

    On this page:
    Introducing WP_Session
    I found a release 1.0.

    I have uploaded the folder “wp-session-manager-1.0” to the server in the folder “wp-content/plugins”, activated the plugin and strangely I can login again to the pages with username ans password.

    But upgrading to the version 3.0.4 does not work in PHP 7.2.

    Thread Starter tvk5300


    Thanks for the help.

    Thread Starter tvk5300


    I deleted the plugin by FTP, I have access to the Dashboard.

    But can I reinstall the same plugin or do I have to look for another alternative, because I can not reach the pages that are only accessible with username and password?


    Thread Starter tvk5300


    Thanks very much t-p, it seems I had 2 plugins who caused the problem:
    WP Editor and WP Session Manager.

    I uninstalled WP Editor because I think I do not necessarily need it.
    WP Session Manager is now deactivated but I have some pages that are only accessible with username and password and now when login in to such a page, I get this:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /customers/7/4/e/ in /customers/7/4/e/ : eval()’d code on line 78

    and on each page:

    Warning: session_set_save_handler(): Cannot change save handler when session is active in /customers/7/4/e/ on line 133

    But I can not login to my WordPress Dashboard either.

    In Chrome: I get “BLOCKED” and in Firefox: Warning: session_set_save_handler(): Cannot change save handler when session is active in /customers/7/4/e/ on line 133 Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /customers/7/4/e/ in /customers/7/4/e/ on line 1219

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Stop sending mails
    Thread Starter tvk5300


    All mails come from: Forums <[email protected]>

    Thread Starter tvk5300


    Yes I can, this is my form in WordPress:

    Form in WordPress

    But how can I control that all fields are filled in before submit?
    How can I keep the filled in values after submit?

    Thread Starter tvk5300


    Sorry, I did not read fully the tab “Screenshots” and so I see I must use Toggle instead of Accordion.

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