Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MailPoet Newsletters (Previous)] Gmail overriding stylesAdding !important to style.css in the theme does nothing.
As I mentioned before my posts contain html and if I add style information inline such as <div style=”color:#ffffff !important”> to the posts and edit wysija-newsletters/helpers/articles.php line #94 to include ‘<div>’ in the array $tags_not_being_stripped then it will work in gmail but I don’t know if excluding ‘<div>’ from being stripped will cause other issues and I would also need to update all of my posts to include inline styles instead of using the MailPoet theme.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MailPoet Newsletters (Previous)] weird characters instead of £ signIf the database doesn’t use UTF-8 it won’t properly save the £ symbol in the database. It could also be your settings in outlook causing it to display wrong.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MailPoet Newsletters (Previous)] weird characters instead of £ signThe £ symbol works fine for me. Sounds like a character encoding issue, maybe UTF-8 isn’t properly implemented somewhere in your wordpress installation or database.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MailPoet Newsletters (Previous)] Gmail overriding stylesInstead of giving admin access how about you give me a gmail address and I send you a preview email? I’m sure you just want to help but I’d rather not give admin access if I can avoid it.
Here is a screen shot from the editor
Here’s how it looks in the browser
And here’s how it looks in Gmail
As you can see Gmail adds the class .hx with a color of #222
What file in mailpoet formats the email?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MailPoet Newsletters (Previous)] Gmail overriding stylesIf your plugin doesn’t work with Gmail that’s kind of a big issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Sitemap Generator for Google] Webmaster Tools indexed pages now 0Hi Arne,
I’m trying out v4.0.2 on another blog which is less important to me. It is probably fine like you say it is. Once I see that other site is re-indexed I’ll mark this issue as resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Sitemap Generator for Google] Webmaster Tools indexed pages now 0Switched back to v3.3.1 now indexed pages back to 712.
I made a backup of v3.3.1
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Sitemap Generator for Google] Webmaster Tools indexed pages now 0Still no pages indexed…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Sitemap Generator for Google] Webmaster Tools indexed pages now 0Ah, I see what you’re saying. I now have 9 different sitemaps. Will wait till tomorrow to confirm re-indexing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Sitemap Generator for Google] Webmaster Tools indexed pages now 0Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Smart Mobile Theme Plugin] jQuery conflict?This seems to be fixed by including jquery-ui v1.10.4 and calling the tabs function at the bottom of single.php like so:
<script src="jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function($){$("#social_comments_control").tabs();});</script>
I know the proper way to include jQuery is through the enqueue_script() function, but this seems to be the only way to fix it. Seems like a hack as that plugin works fine on the non mobile version of the site.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Share Buttons Adder] Grouped CounterI customized my installation to do this. If you’re comfortable editing code here’s the functions I’ve added to my installation in the file simple-share-buttons-adder.php.
function ssba_totals($urlCurrentPage) { return "<span class='ssba_sharecount' id='totalShareCount'>".getTotalShareCount($urlCurrentPage)."</span>"; } function getTotalShareCount($urlCurrentPage) { $totalShareCount = 0; $shareCountString = 0; $totalShareCount+= getFacebookShareCount($urlCurrentPage); $totalShareCount+= getTwitterShareCount($urlCurrentPage); $totalShareCount+= getPinterestShareCount($urlCurrentPage); $totalShareCount+= getGoogleShareCount($urlCurrentPage); $totalShareCount+= getStumbleUponShareCount($urlCurrentPage); $totalShareCount+= getRedditShareCount($urlCurrentPage); $totalShareCount+= getLinkedinShareCount($urlCurrentPage); if($totalShareCount < 1000) $shareCountString = $totalShareCount; if($totalShareCount >= 1000) $shareCountString = ($totalShareCount / 1000)."K"; if($totalShareCount >= 1000000) $shareCountString = ($totalShareCount / 1000000)."M"; return $shareCountString." Shares"; }
Then add this line of code:
$htmlShareButtons.= ssba_totals($urlCurrentPage);
just before $htmlShareButtons.= ‘</div>’; In my installation this was on line 686
It also abbreviates numbers over 1,000. for example 1,100 would show as 1.1K shares and 1,200,000 would show as 1.2M Shares.
You’ll need to manually style the share count to fit your theme, but if you’ve made it this far I’m sure you can handle it.
Maybe the plugin author can implement this in a future release.