I could not find a git repo to make a PR to add support for embedding Odysee Video’s/content.
So I will add the code here.
elseif (strpos($this->post['link'], '.odysee.com/') !== false || strpos($this->post['link'], '//odysee.com/') !== false) {
preg_match('/.*odysee.com\/(.*):(.*)/', $this->post['link'], $matches);
$this->post['post_content'] = '<p><iframe id="lbry-iframe" src="https://odysee.com/$/embed/' . $matches[1] . '"/"' . $matches[2] . '" width="640" height="360" allowfullscreen></iframe></p>' . $this->post['post_excerpt'];
For some reason, this plugin still work’s for every channel I have tried except my own channel (Even without my modification)