Forum Replies Created
Ok, since we have changed the domain in the forms plugin from google.com to recaptcha.com there is no problem.
I have a new doubt. We are using the manual script (not the plugin) because is the way to get the required order for the Google Consent Mode v2. But, the code of your script could change in the future? How can we know it? And, if we use the manual script, we can erase the plugin (now disabled), isn’t it?
I don’t know where is the problem… erasing cache, disabling and enabling plugins, it has returned to work.
Thanks for your explains.
I have a doubt. So if a domain uses 2 cookies (per example 1 necessary cookies and a optional analytics cookie), then… CookieYes always block both cookies?
I still have the doubt about the cookie uesd by reCaptcha. If you read the FAQ at tehir website, they speak about the “GRECAPTCHA” cookie: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq. WHy do you think that reCaptcha uses the “NID” cookie?
- This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by tutumu.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Save button always disabledHi.
However, finally I’ve discovered the source of the problem: the server cache system (cache of hosting provider at their cpanel). I’ve erased/disabled this cache and the plugin returns to work fine.
Three questions:
- I’ve temporally solved the problem, changing at the Contact Form 7 module the option “source of recaptcha” from “google.com” to “recaptcha.net” domain. You can see it here: https://snipboard.io/k7wxUv.jpg By this way, the recaptcha is not blocked by CookieYes and the forms and recaptcha works ok at the front
- I think the “NID” cookie is correctly classified as a publicity cookie. At cookiedatabase.org website is shown in this way: https://cookiedatabase.org/cookie/google-ads-optimization/nid/ Can you review or explain your afirmation?
- You have not answer my 2 questions on first post. I appreciate if you do it, so I can solve some doubts.
Now my website is as I explain at first point: CookieYes active, and Contact Form 7 set up in the explained way.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Save button always disabledHi
Here is a screenshot: https://snipboard.io/waBENd.jpg
As I said, the “save button” (“guardar cambios” button in Spanish) is always disabled, in all tabs and options in the Yoast SEO module.
- This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by tutumu.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google for WooCommerce] Not receiving GA4 events after installing the pluginHi.
Yes, it works with GLA 2.60, and older versions (tested with some 2.5.X versions). I can keep my test web version if it’s useful for you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google for WooCommerce] Not receiving GA4 events after installing the pluginHi,
I followed your guidelines and here are the results:
- Installed WP Rollaback at subdomain for tests
- Tested previous “Google listing & Ads” module versions to find a version that works ok with GA4 events
- Found old versions of the module that work ok with events: 6.0.0 and older versions work ok with GA4 “click” events. From 6.0.1 and newest versions the module does not work ok.
- This is the WooCommerce status log with the v6.0.0 working ok: https://quickforget.com/s/6a98a18b49d8fcdbc4c6f89d3a87af83a231f24b19676034
- I’ve kept the v6.0.0 at the test site with test URL: akraclimapruebas.akraclima.com/test/ so you can review the code
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google for WooCommerce] Not receiving GA4 events after installing the pluginHi…
First all, I remember you that I made a the test with “maintenance mode” plugin active but when your module was disabled then the click events WORKED OK…
But ok, no problem, I follow your guidelines.
- I’ve cloned the website on a subdomain: https://akraclimapruebas.akraclima.com
- Deactivated all modules, less WooCommerce, Google Listing and Ads and WP Code (needed for having GA4 script; tested with original GA4 script with AW-XXX tag)
- Activated a native theme, “Twenty Twenty-Four”
- Created a new basic page “/test” with a only HTML block, with a link tagged with the click event: you can see here:?https://akraclima.com/test/
- Tested click events with the same results: if your module “Google Listing and Ads” is active NO events are captured on GA4; If I disable your module then click events work OK…
As you can see,the problem is the same as on the original website with maintenance plugin active.
Newly I have generated the log status from WooCommerce; you can see it here: https://quickforget.com/s/5fadc7b817a69a1a638ae999376d5a2110657b4df98a8fa4
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google for WooCommerce] Not receiving GA4 events after installing the pluginHi.
I’ve followed all your steps:
- Web in mode maintenance
- Deactivated all modules, less WooCommerce, Google Listing and Ads, Maintenance mode (needed for block website while testing), and WP Code (needed for having GA4 script; tested with original GA4 script with AW-XXX tag)
- Activated a native theme, “Twenty Twenty-Four”
- Created a new basic page “/test” with a only HTML block, with a link tagged with the click event: you can see here: https://akraclima.com/test/
- Tested click events with the same results: if your module “Google Listing and Ads” is active NO events are captured on GA4; If I disable your module then click events work OK…
- Restored all plugins and theme
At the point 5, too I have generated a WooCommerce status report. Yo can see it here: https://quickforget.com/s/cfa3ca60bbf2f5f15a300c42239681207d6e5c0e46c66884
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google for WooCommerce] Not receiving GA4 events after installing the pluginHi,
I’ve tested to use the original GA4 script (only with th AW-XXX” tag), but all it’s the same. If your module is active, no click-events are generated; if I disable your module, then all works ok.
On sunday I’ve updated my PHP server version from 7.4 to 8.1. I’ve not identified any change, all works in the same way…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google for WooCommerce] Not receiving GA4 events after installing the pluginHi.
First all, I explain with more details: a weeks ago the Joinchat team’s support told me to add a line to the GA4 script because was not working with their events (all other web events always working ok). So, my GA4 current script is:
<script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=AW-814617018"> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-N1X2Y1631W'); gtag('config', 'AW-814617018'); </script>
You can see that uses the “AW-XXX” tag (combined GA4 tag), but adds the “G-XXX” (secondary tag used for compatibility with Joinchat”.
If i setup the GA4 tag with your WooCommerce plugin, then I can not custom the tag, so my Joinchat plugin would not work ok…
I’ve tried to install a updated head-footer script inyections plugin: “WP Code”:
- Uninstalled my old plugin, “SOGO…”
- Installed a updated plugin, “WP Code”
- Added my custom GA4+G.Ads script
- After doing it, the result is the same: if your”Google Listing Ads” module is active, the “click” events are not generated. But if I deactive your plugin, the all the events are generated ok (clicks on phone links, , clicks on mail links, WhatsApp button…)
- Generated WooCommerce status report for you: https://quickforget.com/s/99cb30dcc72ac8d5aa6d7cef40b7d83971830b9b972cf53d
Thanks for your support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google for WooCommerce] Not receiving GA4 events after installing the pluginHi.
I added the code to the “head” scripts section in the “SOGO Add Script Header Footer” plugin.
I’ve tried to remove the script, install and activate the “Google Analytics for WooCommerce” plugin, and configure it, but do not work. No data is received by GA4.
The script that I had and worked ok is the code extracted from the GA4 manual setup of ta
<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=AW-814617018"></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'AW-814617018'); </script>
Yo can see that my ID of GA4 is “AW-XXX”. this is because I’m using the combined tag between Google Analitycs and Google Ads.
I’ve tried to enter this ID, but I’ve tried the general flow ID (G-XXXX) of the GA4 property. Neither of the two ID receive send data to my GA4 account with your module.
Scrteenshot: https://snipboard.io/sHAw93.jpg
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google for WooCommerce] Plugin Breaking Analytics When ActiviatedHi.
I’ve recently installed your plugin and I’ve discovered that I have the same problem. Exactly the “click” events do not work after installing your plugin (pageview events working ok).
For example: click on phone numbers on the header, or click on WhatsApp fixed icon (left-down corner) do not activate the event. Screenshot of the header with the tagged number phones: https://snipboard.io/BDCVaF.jpg
If I deactivate your plugin, the events return to working OK.
This is the status log of WooCommerce: https://quickforget.com/s/3fe1e462c8211e458f025ee8513575ae8a2ab343c60f0cfc
My website is https://akraclima.comWaiting for your support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Profile Avatar] Author block on product descriptionHi I sent a ticket a week ago buy I don’t receive answer: https://snipboard.io/7Xx0S8.jpg