Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LH Archived Post Status] Archive Status for the same dayHi, can you hep mepl<
How i can fix the archive hour for the same day.
Its not archive at midnight always 2 -3 hours before
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problems whit multisite wordpresssomething move in folder #7 but inside are 2 folders
Inside 2 folders whit name and continue whit the root:
– 2015/09
– bpfb/tmpForum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problems whit multisite wordpressHello
Thats cool
But now how i restore my data again? i dont know where to put it back.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problems whit multisite wordpressHello, i do what you suggest and it work!!!, now i can see the plugins what the network share, but now i have 2 problems….
The first one is: where are the folder of the subdomain to respotre my backup files.
The 2nd one is why the plugins dont share the information of the network and just the plugin whitout info…?
I think the 1st problem is relevant because my site is online whit no theme and no info, how i restore my files back?
Thanks for you help!
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problems whit multisite wordpressHello
I install the network in my main domain whit root: public_html/domain.com
thats ok and its working,
I cannot send the files of domain.com to public_html because i have others domains there… i m being understand what you are saying but i already have a folder installed there.
What i can do in this case?
I have to transfer all the wordpress files where i install the network and send it to public_html, or just have to send the sub folder to maindomain.com where are all the files of the network.
I m working on it atm
Thanks for all
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problems whit multisite wordpressHello
But what happen whit the main domain?
I have to say the main domain is not on the root folder the files are in
Root of main domain: public_html/domain.com
Similar than subdomain
Root of Subdomain: Public_html/sub
The subdomain have setup whit dns: sub.domain.com but the files are in public_html
i dont know if your advice can solve my problem becasue it have no logic, but i will try it right now!
I will delete all the files and drop tables, whit my backup, because the sub have a long database.
Lets see what happen, very soon i will comment the news.
Thanks for all
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problems whit multisite wordpressIt sound like can solve the problem, now how i can do that?
Look i have what you say
I have it already
What i do to connect it in a network? i hear something of copy the file inside your network and change the dns of cpanel. But what other requeriments need to do for it get in network?
Thanks for answer this topic ??
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problems whit multisite wordpressof my main site.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problems whit multisite wordpresshi
yes, the file of subd domain is in the public_html, its a proper wordpres instalation and i have to say i move it twice, in subdomain mode, inside and outside the folders.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problems whit multisite wordpressI dont know if the plugins have a problem, i think the network is not open and the subdomain dont take the data of the domain, that why the plugins cannot activate.
Maybe the subdomain dont sned data or recibe data from main domain, but i m new on it, and i dont know why it happen
ok, i can send you a list of my plugins atm
i cannot upload pics here
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problems whit multisite wordpressHi
Whit all the plugins, i cant see anything, just the plugin what i have installed already, but the network plugins cant used in the subdomain,
Where is the problem?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problems whit multisite wordpressHello Catacaustic and thanks for respond
Yea i know they dont appear because i read some articles and some people say it, but in my case, the plugins never activate, i verify it, and they never turn on, i have to activate 1 by 1.
My goal is to link all the site -> my main site and subdomains to get a network for share plugins like, antivirus, for ads, cache plugins, etc!. but its imposible.
When i activate the plugin they just show in the Main domain, not in the subdomain…
I have to say i install MU wordpress in an stablished Domain and want to link in a stablished Subdomain.
Maybe you can have the answer for it
I will wait your answer
Thanks for all