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  • I did an export of just media and thought that was all I had to do. Unfortunately, many media files didn’t export some did. We are creating a new blog using the blog posts from an old site. All the blog posts content came over fine. And the media in most of the blogs show up. However, none of the featured images do. And now I understand that if I take that original info off the first site the media will disappear from the second.

    So, can you share with me the steps to export the media from site #1 so I can upload to site #2. I’m familiar with FTP a little bit, I don’t use it often so it’s always a learning curve again. Both sites are on GoDaddy and I can get to the FTP thru there. Just don’t know where to look or how to do it successfully.

    Any hep is appreciated.

    Thread Starter tuckerdogavl


    I appreciate it.
    Yes, there was a time when I was trying to figure out whether I wanted to deal with jetpack at all, hence the “all skate” on the subscription. Thanks for taking the time to do that. (The infraction was really stupid on my part; a case of posting using a client’s account rather than mine. I shouldn’t have bothered to create it in the first place but was trying to manage issues we were having with his website. Now, I just post for myself and use information for whomever I’m working with. Easier and no issues).

    Thread Starter tuckerdogavl


    or the user name may be jamesgangcreative (if that is ONLY associated with that email address. If jamesgangcreative is associated with a different email address, than that isn’t the account that is the issue).



    What does it mean? I just got it. Would be helpful if there was an explanation or fix, rather than just an ad to buy premium. I’ve had lots of issues not being able to sign onto my wp-admin. Can FINALLY get in after a week, and was doing a backup and get this notice along with:

    Success: you have authenticated your Dropbox account (though part of the returned information was not as expected – your mileage may vary)

    Cute, but I am clueless. I want to make a backup so I can change a theme possibly as my site is very sluggish.

    I am in this rabbit hole because even though I see Updraft has – in theory – backed up the site and it shows on my WP site, it doesn’t appear in Dropbox where I am supposedly backing up to. Any suggestions for someone that has no idea what all this means? I “JUST SIMPLY” wanted to back up (just and simply are my most hated words these days. ??

    Thread Starter tuckerdogavl


    I did it. Here is the “fix.”

    Sharing: Chrome: After numerous searches on profile, account, manage account pages, etc., I noticed there was a little “you can’t get there from here” symbol … I was getting a notice that it couldn’t auto update (I’m in Mac). I highlighted the https:// that was being noted and that took me to a 4040. So I “just simply” went to Google Chrome, downloaded the new browser, and the username/password problem vanished as nothing was saved and I could enter the two correct user names and passwords.

    With Firefox, now feeling emboldened that somewhere there must be saved logins I’m not seeing, I went to Preferences>Privacy&Security and buried in BROWSER PRIVACY is Saved Logins. So, on a lark, I typed in the []/wp-admin and, lo and behold, all the wrong usernames and passwords showed up. So, I deleted them, and signed on with the correct usernames and passwords and checking save!

    Safari was already correct so I have no idea where this fix would be hidden in there.

    Thread Starter tuckerdogavl


    Firefox: Looking in extensions/add ons, nothing mentions WP. Sign on to wp-admin. Window allows me to choose from Usernames, half of which are old and don’t relate to anything.

    Safari: Safari Extensions. Opens a window to buy, download extensions. It’s an awesome world of extensions.

    Safari>Preferences>Extensions. Blank.
    Open in Safari. These two are correct, but the passwords aren’t. The usernames are. Safari, however, I rarely use on WP, because my edits do not show up. I had to empty the plist, the library something or other, to get it to “take” … in fact, it’s why I have to use all three browsers because I have to get a consensus on whether any changes take effect by checking three browsers. ??

    Chrome drops down with two correct, two incorrect, one incorrect that is my email address and one a series of numbers that may have been an order number from something I bought. ??

    If anyone can share with me “how to fix” or “where to look to fix” rather than “fix,” as I am not a coder/developer/tech support person/ I would be most appreciative.

    Thread Starter tuckerdogavl


    It’s all three actually. I’ll spend a few hours on it until I get bored trying to “fix” something I haven’t a clue as to how to “fix.” Still doesn’t answer the question though as to why the browser extension(s) is/are pulling old usernames, but not all the usernames, or some of the usernames… I’ll try deleting all the passwords again in the keychain in hopes the correct passwords will be saved; would love the usernames being used were dropping down.

    Thread Starter tuckerdogavl


    Tagomago: If you think that’s bad, you should try going on to Amazon’s Create Space (For self publishing). It has quite a few templates, how to’s and posts that offer all kinds of help in the “latest” information areas. From 2014. They even mention 2014 in an area where you upload to get pricing. Too busy buying Whole Foods I guess. LOL

    I guess I’m subscribed to all posts about Yoast for the rest of my life because I have supposedly UNSUBSCRIBED numerous times.

    How do I opt out of getting forum notices sent to my email? Where is that?

    How does the post appear? With the author’s name? or Your name as author? I see no comments or images of an actual post.

    Question: Does the person’s name show up as the author? How does the post appear ?

    Thread Starter tuckerdogavl


    I’ll see if I can get that to work for me. Thank you.

    Thread Starter tuckerdogavl


    Oh, sorry, kmessigner, I thought you were validating what I had said.
    I only have websites in the public_html in individual folders. As far as I know.

    There “may” be a website that was created that is the primary website, and all the others are add-ons (this is something I’m trying to figure out) since that primary doesn’t show up as a folder. So, I’m assuming that it would perhaps use that WP.

    I have a primary domain that is associated with the host and I don’t use it. I have add on domains that I do use.

    There is WP in each of those add on folders.

    Since the WP in the Public is not doing anything other than making clutter, I’ll leave it be for now. Should I load a theme for that primary domain and see anything show up, then I guess I’ll have the answer.

    Thank you for your help.

    Thread Starter tuckerdogavl


    So, we are at zero sum. Anyone else?

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