So I am i bit stuck inside nowhere…
I have WP Ultimate Recipe, which is not supported and has a several problems with compatibility due to deprecated jquery libraries. I would like to upgrade.
When I have downloaded and paid for new plugin, I found that it is worse for me. Import doesn’t work for more than 3 recipes at once (OK, it could be problem on my server which I would be able to resolve).
But mainly, it lacks a basic (for my usage) functionality.
I really need these:
– Clickable pages for cuisine – as they are landing pages
– Clickable pages for ingredients, as they are landing pages
– I need to translate some string, even if I try edit POE files and add my language (Czech), there are some string missing and untranslatable (for instance Ingredients – I have translated it in POE files, but it is still in English on recipe page), see
– I need to have tags as they are in original recipes, ie in form of WP tags, clickable to tags archive, after import they are imported, but as text inside the recipe (see “ovoce” here
What should I do now? I can’t use old plugin which I have paid for (WP Ultimate Recipe) nor use the new one (WP Recipe Maker).
I’m very frustrated.