Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Question SMTP Contact form/WoocommerceHey, sorry, I don’t understand – in the plugin settings you can only define ONE email address and ONE name ?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Question SMTP Contact form/WoocommerceBecause the email address from the contact form is contact@…whereas the email address for Woocoomerce orders is orders@…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Question SMTP Contact form/WoocommerceWell that’s my question…all the SMTP plugins only let you set ONE email address, but I need one for the contact form and one for Woocommerce orders.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Question SMTP Contact form/WoocommerceThank you Kevin, but the reason I need to use SMTP is because I need SSL or TLS encrypted emails, and the default WP emails are PHP…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Nachnahme/ZahlungsgebührHallo,
han die neue Version getestet, aber in den Emails wird nr die Zahlungsgebühr angezeigt, nicht die Zustellgebühr…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PayPal for WooCommerce] Question PaypalHi,
yes, I want to use regular Paypal(not express, jut the standard that is included in Woocommerce) AND not have the customer get directed to Paypal. I am already using a plugin for Germany called “Germanized” and it automatically makes the order as pending when a customer clicks on “Order”, and also send the order-processing email, regardless of wheether the customer chooses to disrupt the payment at Paypal. If he does cancel at Paypal, he still gets redirected to my thankyou page(which is correct in Germany because when he clicks on “Order”, he has placed an actual order and can’t cancel it. So to avoid the customer being confused, I would just like to send him the link to pay with the email…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Nachnahme/ZahlungsgebührHallo,
ich hab eben die neue Gitthubversion installiert und dort habt Ihr es implementiert, danke! Noch eine Frage:Das ganze sieht noch etwas unformatiert aus, also z.B. steht dann als Hinweis unter der Zahlungssart “Zahlung per Nachnahme 3,00 € Zahlungsgebühr. zzgl. 2,00 € übermittlungsentgelt (direkt an den Zusteller)”
Alles steht direkt hintereinader, ohne Komma o.?. getrennt bzw. strukturiert, k?nnte man das noch optimieren?
Au?erdem wird die Gebühr noch nicht in den Emails angezeigt.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Zahlungsmethode PayPal versendet E-Mail zufrühEine Frage generell zur Vertragsannahme: Ist es bei Germanized so gedacht, dass man auch bei Paypalzahlung sofort mit dem Anklicken des Kaufenbuttons als H?ndler die Bestellung annimmt, also ein Vertrag zustandekommt? Rein rechtlich müsste dies ja so sein, denn sonst dürfte man den Kunden ja nicht zu Paypal weiterleite, also eine Zahlungsaufforderung stellen. Aber in praktisch allen Shops und auch bei Trusted Shops steht in den AGB immer, dass der Kaufvertrag bei der Zahlungsart Pypal “zum Zeitpunkt Ihrer Zahlungsanweisung an Paypal” zustandekommt, was ja DANACH w?re…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Nachnahme/ZahlungsgebührDas w?re super, vielen Dank!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cachify] Warm cacheThank you very much. I did not know that it requires that many ressources. wWould this also be true for doing it via a cronjob?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Layout problemSo I realised when doing using this code, I would also need to set the cell with the text to 100%…I have this set up on 4 different pages and it seems like a lot of css. Do you think setting the mobile layout to 992px would be okay? Or is this still too high?
Alternatively, do you maybe have any recommendation on how to design the pages if you want text on one side and an image on the other?Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Layout problemHi again,
my site is still not on a public server but I have tried css like
@media(min-width:781px)and (max-width:1199px) {
#pgc-58-2-1.panel-grid-cell {
and this did move the image underneath the text, but it also removed the default margin on top of the image so the image wa right attached to the text above.
I also tried setting page builder settings to 1199px, and this does work, I am just wondering if this has any effect on the theme’s layout since the theme is switching to mobile at 767 and not 1199. Also not sure if it is advisable to switch that early, maybe there are small laptops that would now also see the mobile version?Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Layout problemI will do that, thank you very much for your reply!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Layout problemHi,
thank you but in the settings the layout is already set to responsive and 780px(the default).But between 1200 and 780 px width the text is just very long and narrow with a tiny image. Or are you saying to change the settings for page builder to 1200 px?Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Layout problemHello Hannah,
my site is on local install. But the problem is like in the link I mentioned. I have a row with page builder and then two equally sized columns. On desktop, the image has the same height(and width) as the text, but on tablet the text is really narrow and much longer than the image.