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  • Thanks for the tips, so what is a person who hates writing with a passion to do? However I still want to make money online, I need find a different model.

    Adsenseplugin is right… This is after all, a digital newspaper or magazine with comment abilities…Right? There are plenty of places that will write content for you at 1 cent a word. I write my own stuff using notepad and jotting down some ideas and then expanding on them.
    You want to be bookmarked and subscribed to. Do you have Target, Walmart or the local Grocery store bookmarked? NO because they are not a value as far as information hub goes or what you are interested in.
    But if you gave tips on making and saving money maybe there would be a following and when someone asks one of your subscribers; “Do you know how I can make some extra money?” Hopefully you have dazzled them with information and tips, so they refer you. I bet I can Google ‘making money from home’ and a million pages come up…
    The one I select would be the one with FREE Helpful INFO
    If you pay to Rank #1 on the big pages then you do not have to worry about it and if you stuff works I am sure you will have a ton of referrals. We are only trying to point you in the right direction.

    Thread Starter trying to keep uo


    Yeah again, with everything at the bottom of the page? Never had FF on installed on this computer–installed it and checked my site and it has everything at the bottom still? STRANGE! Because at your end with screen shot is shows what I am after, yet over here with a fresh browser it is messed up….

    Thread Starter trying to keep uo


    strangest thing on my end, grabbed my laptop and tried to see my site from there. I yahoo’d it and opened the page and it is as your screen shpt capture. Except I am missing my Tweet box, where I would drop in my latest post and it would tweet then show up in that welcome box as “what I am doing”
    I hit the refresh button after tweeting manually to see if it would show up in the “what I am doing” and the site reverted back to everything at the bottom as we have been batteling? Strange deal?
    It looked fine the first log in and went haywire on the refresh?
    Anu suggestions?
    Thanks for checking back in on me over here…

    Thread Starter trying to keep uo


    I just updated Firefox and cleared my history. But I still get a different look then you do? Any Suggestions?

    Thread Starter trying to keep uo


    That is strange I looked in FF and IE over here and got something different over here as explained prior. Yet, the screen shot presented is what I am after. Thanks for fixing this, I guess maybe it is my Browser? Maybe I need an update for my Browser.
    You see I hate updates, as it always turns into something more then just a click of a button. Like remodeling a room in the house. You start with the front door and it ends up at the backyard fence….

    Here is the books as featured by WP but which one delves into Code?

    Yeah you might want to do that. I like a video or montage to sell the idea check out my page My site is all about the pitch but my leads come from my sharing FREE information to do it yourselfer’s like you might be.

    Think about this:

    Intro- Slogan Motto or Elevator Blurb 3 seconds in print upto 1 minute if video or montage. 30 seconds is optimus prime.

    Mission statement first
    Then the 3 feel, felt, found
    Feel -I feel this will be the right choice because….
    Felt _ I felt this (put yourself in the consumers position)
    Found- I found (the solution that worked prior)
    Then some Proof if you got it. And better then self proclaimed riches, would be to use testimonial.

    You see Testimonial is the proof, the rest is hearsay.

    Be kind use your Blinker and let people merge….

    Ahhh, I am not sure if you can do that Unless you park the desired pic into your Header… Or you can create a Welcome.PHP
    See control panel and Editor then look to your right column and you will see Welcome.php
    You could essentially load your media in there and it will “float in the upper right corner no matter how many posts you do.
    If your Blog Posts is your splash or home page.
    If you want you can adjust your Header parameters to accommodate your picture size if it is too skinny. Not sure the theme you picked.

    I am a novice at CSS so asking me which PX to change in your Header.php might be better to close this thread and re post for
    How to change HeaderPHP parameters. I you are going to park that pic in your header so it is constant throughout. That is why I suggested your Welcome.php as it floats on the Blog page if I am not mistaken. It does on mine at least. Well…. up until my last update, Hence me being on here

    Thread Starter trying to keep uo


    Thanks for following up on me… I clear my cache every time I close FF
    I also did it manually with Tools-Options-advanced-clear now

    I am still at the problem of my Welcome.php stuffed to the bottom of my page?
    If you scroll down to the bottom of the Blog you will see:
    Thanks for dropping by *
    Hi! Welcome to NetCommercial!
    Thanks for dropping by! Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, stay updated by subscribing to my RSS feed. See ya around!
    Follow us on Twitter [follow link to friend Netcommercial]
    What I’m Doing…
    o Where should I advertise my Business? 1 week ago
    o 1 week ago
    o Netcommercial is shooting another Commercial looking for yet another pretty face who can ‘nail their lines’ This is poss 4 Cable TV later. 2011-08-17
    o Plagiarism and stealing content 2011-06-25
    o Quality verses Quantity 2011-06-25
    o More updates…

    Posting tweet…
    Odiogo Audio blog
    Subscribe to this podcast feed

    o General

    o Site Admin
    o Log out
    o Valid XHTML
    that part between the lined off above, there is my Welcome.php is supposed to or used to be. At the top Right of the Blog page…. That is the challenge. Your code worked to get the Footer back to the bottom but it also has left the welcome.php at the bottom also.
    Thanks for sticking in there

    I am looking for the same. I went over to Amazon they have some books on WP but not sure which is the one for me? You might like the one called WordPress for Dummies if you are just getting started with WP.

    I have a little more experience and don’t want half the book covering elementary things after paying for it…

    I would like to find a book that elaborates on CSS as well as some nifty tricks to install cool gadgets to create a following or a bit easier then a dig-it button. Not to mention swimming in code to figure where and how to place a button on ones page(s) or site.
    I was shown HTML and understand that yet CSS eludes me a bit although it is just another page of commands I feel some disconnect from the page I am working on, as that is for text and what not and the css is the command page where things are to be placed and such.

    Not jacking your thread merely agreeing and stating what I would be looking for as I went to Amazon books and there are a few of them over there.

    Any suggestions anyone?
    Something that is an easy read that one can hope around from Plug ins to Css to embedding video, all while speaking in an easy to read format???

    Aksimet plug in. so worth the 50 a year if your site is profit

    I agree, no intro of what you are; other then I suppose you are a gallstone diet expert? It does not feel like one is starting at the beginning although one might be.
    Mission statement?
    Who you are?
    What you are there for?
    etc…. My opinion.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: First wordpress site

    Looks good to me

    The Truth?
    It looks like a flyin page that wants my money…

    Yeah weird, mark the thread resolved if you will please

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