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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Removing related products on single product pageI have found a place within the child theme whereby I can see an entire page of the style.css. It is a stylesheet (style.css) and was found under (appearance > editor)
Now where would I put the body tag that you suggested I use earlier?
Could anyone advise a placement location…landmark to be on the lookout for, etc;? Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Removing related products on single product pageYou should not edit your theme’s style.css because this file will be overwritten by the next theme update.
Ok, apparently I am missing something here. I was planning on editing my child theme style.css but there is no such body tag there. I had spoken of editing the child theme, not the parent theme.
This is what the body tag reads inside of my child theme’s header.php file.
understanding of course, I should not edit the header.php file…got it. that detail!
I need to edit the sytle.css of the child theme. Is there supposed to be a body tag somewhere in that code sheet for that style.css section? I called myself looking – intently- several times but just could not locate a body tag in there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Removing related products on single product pageThis is what the body tag reads inside of my child theme’s header.php file.
<body <?php body_class(); ?>>
I could not find any body tag inside of the style.css section. Should I just remove the
<?php body_class(); ?>
and replace with what you have provided? Or no?body {background-image:none}
Thanks for helping me out so much!! I’m about to have this beat…LOL!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Removing related products on single product pageForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Removing related products on single product pageOMG!!! Thank you so much for all of your help. I really appreciate such a helpful, thorough response. Very generous of you to help me out of this jam.
I am not utilizing any software on my computer to build the wordpress site, I am using godaddy..its all hosted there. Created and began the process using their one button WordPress start-up feature. Thus, I would have to upload that functions.php onto their server.
If I place this functions.php into the appropriate folder as you have advised, that is all that is needed on my part? WordPress will just notice the file and respond accordingly. Seems almost too simple…thinking it should involve more. ~crossed fingers~
One other thing, if you have a second? My background on the child theme will not change to black as I have the parent theme’s background set. I have tried numerous times. The black color is chosen under ‘appearance > background’ and under ‘appearance > customize > background image’, I have that set to no image.
Emptying all browser cache and refreshing allows me to view the black background color as the site is loading but when it loads completely, a default color overides and stays. When I navigate back to those settings that I just mentioned, the black color is still chosen…not sure what is going on. Could you possibly advise, if you would not mind?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Removing related products on single product pageLorro, first off- Thank you!
No. As long as the template line in the child theme’s style.css references the parent theme’s directory, that’s the minimum that you need to run a child theme. Nothing else.
Whenever I activated my child theme earlier there was no code at all seen in either of the text spaces of the three tabs provided. I cannot recall at this time what those three tabs were. I do believe one of them was style.css but even so, there was no code within the ‘text space’ when i clicked on any of those tabs. Not sure there.
Could you clarify: ‘template line’ referencing parent theme directory? What does such a reference look like? Sorry, I am just not familiar. Certain code language?? thanks
Reason I asked about ‘copying all of my code’ over into my child theme is that it appears that I would lose all of my ‘fine tuned’ adjustments and amendments done to the site whenever I switch over to a child theme. Last time I activated the child theme, it seemed like I lost all of those amendments. I would have to take a closer look however.
Make a file called functions.php on your hard disk and put the above remove_action snippet in it. Use a plain text editor or a code editor. PHP code should start with the line:
To create this functions.php, just use wordpad, is that correct? Upload the file in the appropriate directory so that I land where all of the other three tabs are for the child’s theme? correct? This would enable me to be able to have now a ‘fourth’ tab labeled functions.php, is that correct?
WordPress knows what to do with this file I am assuming if I upload it into that sector.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Removing related products on single product pageI’m trying my best to see what it is that you are saying but I am only understanding partly, unfortunately. Would I need to copy all of my code from my parent theme over into a created child theme first and activate that as my ‘new’ theme? I am not presently running a child theme. Would this need to be done in order to advance to the portion you are advising on?
Then, -I’m sorry but I am not totally clear on <?php
attache to the snippet in what fashion?
and insert the entire string where at exactly within the functions.php?thanks for everything
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Could someone assist- removing similiar product- single product pageDone! Thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Removing related products from single product page -woocommerceWell thanks James- there you go! Appreciate it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Needing a plugin…word 'links' setup on a pageI’m sorry Johnathan as much as I understood about your prior post with all the links, details and such, I respond with a question that you basically had already answered. It wasn’t until I read that second post of yours again that I really understood what you were conveying.
You laid it on the table very well but I missed it the first read through, although I did indeed read it.
I understand now. I must insert a portion of code into the CSS portion of my site and ‘then’ insert HTML -in this case that table code- right where I want it. I was of the understanding that a site used one or the other and that if sites, such as wordpress which are repsponsive sites then ‘said’ site is written in css.
Now, for the first time, I understand that is not the case and that I have failed in that area of understanding all along. And heck, I even have taken a website building course in college, self taught prior to that and have a book on hand which happens to be parked beside me. Apparently, I’ve never read it through…uhgg!
Thanks so much for all of your help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Needing a plugin…word 'links' setup on a pageThank you so much for such a comprehensive response and for replying. I appreciate that so much; both the thought to reply and the reply itself. Very thorough.
I do have a question remaining. Would I need to insert this code into a child theme? If so, I am not quite clear about how to create the child theme. I have downloaded a ‘child theme plugin’ and can access the side by side comparisons of the original theme and the child theme. Everytime I insert strings of code, provided by another, into the child theme, its all to no avail. Whenever I ‘view site’ after I have added some code, –nothing!
Should I be copying the code from the original theme over into the child theme ‘write space’ and then insert this string of code accordingly? Or is there a better method?
Also, regarding the table, you mentioned that once installed that CSS would be in my code for every page. I really don’t want that, i just want to add a responsive table of the sorts to only one page. Could you advise?
Thanks for anything
When inserting said table code do I need to stay above the /* ### */
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Needing a plugin…word 'links' setup on a pageJohnathan, thanks for chiming in. I’ve got what you are saying but not quite sure how and where to implement or add said code without totally obliterating all of my hardwork thus far. I have worked with coding in the past and built some template based websites but used software to do so.
I am just not that familiar with this whole CSS. I am afraid that I might mess up my work thus far and not be able to repair if I add the string of code in the wrong location or something.
Could you advise?
Thanks, ChrisForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Removing gray lines assoc. w/ table// looking other alternativesresolved
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Removing gray lines assoc. w/ table// looking other alternativesWPyogi, thanks for your help. I appreciate your forward…one of my issues was simply not knowing what said services would be ‘termed’ so I could search appropriate plug-ins. Thanks again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Removing gray lines assoc. w/ table// looking other alternativesCool!!! I was not aware of that facet regarding tables -non responsive- So glad you highlighted that detail because I actually have some tables in other locations on the site. Knowing that, I need to remove. Thanks.
Thanks for your time, links and help.