Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: trouble using whatever:hover for thumb imageswell I will check that out, but I know it can be done with the whatever:hover. it is used on this website: and it is exactly what I want to do. plus it isn’t a script, just css, so I like that a lot. but I can’t figure out where to place the divs. I’ll keep trying things, but if anyone can help me figure that out, I’d be greatful. thanks again!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: trouble using whatever:hover for thumb imagesI know this is a longshot, but has anyone done this before who can help?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: removing all titlesso, anyone? am I supposed to be looking for that same code to remove on other pages?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: remove post title, add hover infowell thanks for pointing out where the code is I need to work with. I don’t know why you wouldn’t have shown that before. but still, thanks. I’m not as code savvy as everyone else here. I do my best to poke around wordpress and figure things out, but I can’t always do it on my own. That’s what these forums are for. also, I’m sure if I emailed the owner of that site, I wouldn’t have gotten a response as fast as I would on the forums. It’s too bad we had to go through all the bickering to get to this point, but thanks again for the help. I’ll try to take it from here, and won’t burden these forums any longer with this topic.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: remove post title, add hover infook, why is this such a big deal? I’m only asking for a little help. I’m sure there are tone of people who use that effect. I don’t want to copy his site. how do you gather that from me wanting to achieve a similar effect? also, the only reason I responded to haochi’s reply in such a way is because it was the least helpful reply I could have gotten. of course I know I can contact the owner, and I would most likely do that if I was using a theme that he provided, but I’m not, so I came to the helpful wordpress forums. now, if anyone would be so kind as to point me to a codex, or maybe even find it in the kindness of their heart o briefly explain how to at least remove the post title, I would be so great full. but please try to keep your smug comments to yourself if you dont have anything helpful to say. (in this case I’m referring to you, whooami. not haochi. at least he wasn’t being a jerk about it.)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: remove post title, add hover infoyou are suggesting I contact the blog owner and ask how they did it? well that might work, but first off it is a theme by wpdesigner, so it is possible the blog owner has no clue how to achieve that effect, and second if I owned a blog and got emails about how to do stuff, I’d be annoyed, lol. so let’s see if anyone else here can help me out with it, and if now, then I’ll email the owner. thanks though ??
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: domain change questionanyone have advice on this? thanks. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2.5 HTTP error when uploading Images from my computerI had this problem a while back, and the only way I got it resolved was to install the no-flash-uploader plugin, which works like a charm, but removes some of the nice flash interfaces in the admin area. however I found it not to be a big deal at all. it still allows you to publish just the same as before. it is the perfect solution.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: #nav alignment helpoh my, how could I have forgotten about the padding, lol. thanks a tone! that ended so much confusion!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: cformsII 8.1 wp2.5 hanging on submitthanks for pointing that out. I know I said I read all the faqs, and I really thought I did. I saw that error message at the top of my admin page telling me to check the js file. and I did check it, and it was just my stupidity that caused me to miss the mistake, lol. I was looking at it and thinking, /wp-content/plugins/cforms/lib_ajax.php is the correct path. but, it didn’t occur to me that I needed to have my sub domain folder at the beginning. hehe. thanks a tone though for helping me out. ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: minor upgrade uh oh. (repost due to error)that makes a little sense because when I do resize it, it will fill the page. but still one thing remains odd. the footer (which contains the “powered by..” text) should be at the very bottom edge of the page no matter what. and therefor should never show a gap. I’m fairly certain this is an error because up until I upgraded to version 2.0.5 I never saw that black gap at the bottom of my about page.
so if I were to overwrite a file with mt backup, which file would that be to fix that page?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: horizontal header menu with a search fieldhow can you tell by viewing the source if something is wrong?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: horizontal header menu with a search fieldthanks man!! I’m always up for figuring things out on my own. and its a big help to be pointed in the right direction.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: side imagesok, so perhapse this isn’t possible?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: is this css correct?awesome. thank you very much!