Forum Replies Created
yes, like a charm! Thanks. I forgot that this site was still on my old hosting which had not been updated to PHP 7.1 yet.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Modal Dialog] Modal is not displayingIt displays for me. Did you delete the cookies or change the setting in the config for x # of times?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Probelm when automatically upgrading to 3.1I am getting this issue too
Since swill did not respond, and I got no response on the Thematic forums, I was forced to do this the wrong and ugly way.
I have no idea where to properly inject my shortcodes in the functions of the loop, I have altered the single.php in my child theme to single-customposttypename.php and essentially removed the thematic_singlepost function, then rebuilt it using HTML and PHP. Its ugly, and its wrong, but it works.
// calling the widget area 'single-top' get_sidebar('single-top'); ?> <div id="title" class="entry-title"><?php wp_title(); ?></div> <div id="rr-tngreview"><?php echo do_shortcode('[xydac_field]tngreview[/xydac_field]'); ?></div> <div id="link"><a href="<?php echo do_shortcode('[xydac_field]link[/xydac_field]'); ?>">Visit the Website</a></div> <div id="image-from-website"><img src="<?php echo do_shortcode('[xydac_field]image-from-website[/xydac_field]'); ?>"></div> <div id="copied-text-from-website">From the Website:<?php echo do_shortcode('[xydac_field]copied-text-from-website[/xydac_field]'); ?></div> <div id="testimonials"><?php echo do_shortcode('[xydac_field]testimonials[/xydac_field]'); ?></div> <div id="link"><a href="<?php echo do_shortcode('[xydac_field]link[/xydac_field]'); ?>">Visit the Website</a></div> <?php // action hook creating the single post. Commented and added the manual title php and echo shortcodes to get the shortcodes to work right. Uncomment the line below to return to original. // thematic_singlepost();
Note above due to this forum not allowing links you have to imagine the a href markup.
I spent the better half of the day trying to find out how to do this. I am new to the wordpress Loop and structure and fairly new to php.
But where do I insert this echo line so that it prints in the .entry-content area?
I can confirm this is broken here too,
WP 3.04
P-T-S 0.2It moves the “add post” center column input boxes (title, description, etc) under the categories and tags etc in the right column, for those without privileges to publish articles. A conditional div to show only on users with the privilege to publish would be good.
How did you do this in PHP JMF?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom post type only works when role has edit_posts capabilityTemporarily, the Adminimize plugin seems to do a good job of hiding menu items, what do you think?
It doesn’t address the necessary additional capabilities, and you can circumvent it by visiting urls directly such as wp-admin/add-post.php, needed but at least it hides areas we don’t want people to see.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom post type only works when role has edit_posts capabilityRichard,
Thank you for returning to comment. I am glad to see you essentially agree with me that simply, the way it works now, is pretty much broken. Its a good thing I have an understanding boss on this project because I had to explain to him this situation, and his question was the same as yours “well how come nobody else has this problem”. The only answer I can come up with is the same as you have.
As you suggest, the “edit_post” capability adds the “Post” area to the admin. This is clearly not desired when using custom post types and limiting user capabilities.
Do we need to submit a ticket or something to Trac? I’m kind of unfamiliar with the support of WordPress.
Mainly, my suggestions would be:
1) Rename the manage_categories capability to manage_taxonomies, or remove it in favor of manage_categories , manage_tags , and manage_custom_taxonomy_xxx with support for custom taxonomies.
2) Remove the capability of edit_posts needed to alter tags or categories or custom taxonomies on any post type. Instead, the capability for this should lie in another more related capability, such as “edit_posts_tags” etc.
Again the issue is that reliance on “posts” and “pages” need to be depreciated completely as WordPress 3.x ushers in custom content types. Posts and Pages are now simply content types with templates. Other custom content types are just as relevant a reference, even though theoretically they use the term “custom post type”, they are in fact, “custom content types” because they have their own functionality, template, style, taxonomies, and permissions/capabilities.
A perfect example of why this is needed. Lets say I have a news site that includes reviews of movies, local news, us news, user-submitted news, and also has an ecommerce area.
I don’t want any person who is working in one area of the site, for instance, movie reviews, to have any access to my posts, pages, ecommerce, or anything else. To do this, we need to make everything exclusive from everything else.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom post type only works when role has edit_posts capabilityI am in the process of launching a new multi-user website, attempting to use custom roles and custom post types. I can verify, after tearing hair out for several days, that this piece of CMS functionality is broken in all plugins, and inherently, in core (which the plugins are attempting to add functionality to).
The problem is really multifaceted.
It all really begins because there is a total lack of levels of access when it comes to taxonomies. First of all, “manage_categories” is the ONLY entry in the WP capabilities system which is a total misnomer in itself. It is Categories AND Tags, and the capability SHOULD BE titled “manage_taxonomies”. Secondly, there should be capabilities to manage only tags, ie “manage_taxonomies_tags” AND to manage categories “manage_taxonomies_categories”. And while we’re at it, there should be capabilities “edit_xxx” “delete_xxx” just the same as posts and pages.
I believe that somewhere in the wordpress TAGS capabilities is where the solution to the problem of “You cannot modify this taxonomy.” SHOULD be located, instead, due to some illogical path, a bug exists which makes the solution exist in giving users “edit_posts” capabilities. The ability to modify taxonomy on a post (or custom post type in my case), lies in “edit_posts”? And yet, with the “manage_categories” capability, I can add/edit/delete tags outside of posts, using the admin?
So what I’m saying is the capabilities need to be completely reviewed regarding handling of taxonomies, and total granularity needs to be implemented for provisioning these things.
After using Drupal for so long, I can see that there are many places that WordPress is advanced, but it is half a decade behind in terms of CMS functionality.
Role Scoper got me closer, but frankly, it is so complicated the way it functions, I refuse to use it.