Hello kgw535s. I visited your website and I see you’re still not up and running. Here is a link to an article in the Codex.
WordPress in it Own Directory.
It is a bit confusing so I’ll give you a short version.
If you have your WordPress files in a sub-directory named CDLIFE. Here is how your .htaccess files should read like this at RewriteBase and RewriteRule lines.
In the root(www) directory .htaccess:
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
The index.php file should have this line
In the CDLIFE directory, where your WordPress files are.
RewriteBase /CDLIFE
RewritwRule . /CDLIFE/index.php [L]
index.php file
I hope this helps.
If you are still having problems, make sure that these are the #Begin WordPress is the only block of code in each .htaccess file and test after adding other directives such as security measures etc.
Good luck!