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  • AHA!

    If you want to modify the width of the form fields its soooo easy … I don’t know why I didn’t see it before!

    <p>Your Name (required)<br />
        [text* your-name 25/] </p>

    Notice that I added 25/ after the form field [text* your-name] THAT’s how many characters wide I want the field to be!

    So … if you need the field to be 12 characters wide, add 12/. … or whatever number you need.

    I am having the form width issue also. In the blog portion, our sidebar is very narrow. Will it be possible to vary the width of the form fields on a form-by-form basis?

    artistsforfreedom, CAPTCHA with contact Form 7 is pretty easy once you see it in action. First, be certain you have the latest version and you have also installed the “Really Simple CAPTCHA” plugin and activiated it.

    1. Open up your form in the dashboard
    2. On the left panel you see the form code.
    3. On the right, you’ll see the drop down selector “Generate Tag”
    4. Click it and select CAPTCHA
    5. Leave the name alone
    6. Select the size you want … this is font size not number of characters. I usually select medium. The smaller your selection the more high-contrast should your following selections be.
    7. Foreground color is the color of the CAPTCHA font. For simplicity, choose FFFFFF (white).
    8. Background color is the color of the rectangle the digits will be in. For simplicity, choose 000000 (black).
    9. I have never used “ID” or “Class”, has no functional implications.
    10. I usually add “8” in the “Input Field Settings Size” but you can choose to do nothing al all in this section!
    11. You’ll see below the two code snippets. You’ll need them in a second, but you need to prepare your form.
    12. Assuming you have your form ready and just need to add CAPTCHA, here’s what I add just before the “Submit” function.

    <p>Anti_SPAM Code:<br />
         [captchac captcha-102 size:m fg:#ffffff bg:#000000]<br />
         Input the code displayed.<br />
         [captchar captcha-102 10/12]</p>

    The “captchac” is your first code snippet you’ve copied from the right side. This is the code for the CAPTCHA image.

    The “captchar” is your second code snippet from the right and is the form field for input.

    13. Save the form and you’re done!

    I hope I have helped.

    Thread Starter transmutation


    Well, I’ve deactivated every plugin, refreshed, logged out, refreshed … no changes.

    Will check the other item shortly.



    Interesting that his very own instructions do NOT give you the correct instructions! grrrr

    What does this “When that is eval’d, it does the following” mean?

    I have the same type of file and don’t know how to decode it.

    If I take the original code and replace eval(base64_decode with echo base64_decode I get the “second big string” you mentioned.
    But then what do I do with that?

    Thread Starter transmutation


    Any ideas how to fix this guys and gals?

    Thread Starter transmutation


    I have also found out that sometimes it is the order in which a plugin is activated! So, if two plugins seem to react against each other, deactivate/delete them and reinstal and activate in a different order! OY!

    Thread Starter transmutation


    Well, I took some advice from another post that seemed to be smart … use process of elimination! As I sincerely doubted there was a theme problem it had to be a plugin problem.

    So, I deactivated all current plugins, uploaded all the plugins I wanted to use and refreshed to see if there was a plugin page lockup. Everything seemed okay.

    Then I activated each plugin one at a time, refreshing, going somewhere else in the dashboard, and visiting the site each time.

    Everything worked until I activated a certain plugin, eventually I found that 3 of the plugins I want to use are incompatible with some of the other plugins.

    So … remember … plugins can interfere with each other.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Plugin Install Weirdness
    Thread Starter transmutation


    Well, I took some advice from another post that seemed to be smart … use process of elimination! As I sincerely doubted there was a theme problem it had to be a plugin problem.

    So, I deactivated all current plugins, uploaded all the plugins I wanted to use and refreshed to see if there was a plugin page lockup. Everything seemed okay.

    Then I activated each plugin one at a time, refreshing, going somewhere else in the dashboard, and visiting the site each time.

    Everything worked until I activated a certain plugin, eventually I found that 3 of the plugins I want to use are incompatible with some of the other plugins.

    So … remember … plugins can interfere with each other.

    Thread Starter transmutation


    Okay, I can’t be the only one with this question. Or is the answer so simple noone wants to bother?

    I tried again today to upload some new widgets/plugins and EVERY ONE of them blocked use of the Plugins page and created the “Open php file” popup.

    9 completely different plugins.

    I am using a theme called Darkwater that was supposed to be compatible with the most recent WP versions and widgets.

    So … please help me figure this out.

    While, on the surface, this seems rather simple to do I think you are looking at some php programming challenges.

    Are the three sites in different folders? or whole different urls? This info might help someone give you a better answer.

    Use the “Berry-youtube-Gallery” or “easytube” plugins. WP doesn’t support/can’t use the “embed” code provided by most folks.

    If you have a SINGLE item the uses a PayPal button search for a plugin for “Donate” and that should do ya. As far as I know the next step up is the full cart thing (which I have yet to get tot work).

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