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  • By the way, my blog is at Currently using the default “get_links().” Thanks.

    Has anyone modified the Connections theme’s index.php so as to use “get_links_list(),” which

    “Displays a nested HTML unordered list of all links as defined in the Links Manager, sorted under link category headings. Link categories are automatically generated inside of <h2> headings.”

    When I do this, I get a big ugly bullet next to the category.

    If you’re handy with CSS, could you post the code to fix this? I would be deeply grateful.

    I’m happily using /year/month/postname/ on my blog. @holographic, I came to the same conclusion that /day/ was unnecessary. However, I like retain /year/ and /month/ in order to provide that level of date-context. Plus you can type in and get the archives for August, for example.

    Huzzah! Great work Skippy and Owen. I have been looking for this kind of functionality since I adopted WordPress. And I’m sure other WP users had the same need. Thank you very much for your terrific work.

    Well I can’t wait for 1.6 then.

    Thread Starter tqn69


    Macmanx, Thank you! Although I was already using the latest release, I didn’t have that call in the root index.php. I had put the call in my footer.php, thinking that that was enough. Once I followed your instructions, I hit my blog, then hit ShortStat and immediately saw one hit under “United States.”

    Thanks again.

    Guys, I found something that will help. Looks like someone has updated the code in Skippy’s absence (he’s on vacation apparently). I’ve installed this and gzip works again (Whoopee!), and allows really huge blogs to be backed up irrespective of the server’s memory limits. Apparently the file is being hosted at the moment at

    Asymptomatic ?? Blog Archive ?? WordPress Database Backup v1.5

    @denis, @jay: I had the same problem with accumulating tags on the front page (and therefore could only use Terms2tags on my “single.php” page).

    Denis, I tried your new code in my “post.php” page. Now, the tags on the front page do not accumulate from post to post. However, the tags will only display for the first post, not for the others below it on the front page. This happens whether I use this, [?php sem_terms2tags(); ?], or this [?php sem_terms2tags( $arbitrary_post ); ?]

    Let me know if I’m missing something obvious. Thanks!

    Hoover, agreed. However, I prefer getting a compressed backup since I’m having them sent daily to my Gmail account. It’d save bandwidth.

    TH, I have exactly the same problem: very small number of total posts; initially the plugin compressed my .sql backups; now (starting a week later) it returns the “too large for PHP to load entirely into memory” message. What gives?

    The changed behavior very likely coincided with my upgrading to version 1.5.

    I’d love to know if this can be fixed.

    Monkeynotes already said it, but its worth repeating if you’re having the same problems that I’m seeing: WP-ContactForm does not work when Markdown is active.

    I have the same problem. WP ignores the terminator and so my Yahoo!-sent e-mails get published with the tacky advertising.
    Can any other Yahoo! user get this to work?
    Allusion, your suggestion is opaque. Woudl you expand a bit, please?

    Thread Starter tqn69


    That did resolve the issue! It didn’t even occur to me, to consult the Kubrick FAQ. On line 229 in index.php, I just changed <?php the_excerpt() ?> to <?php the_content('Read the rest of this entry ??'); ?>.
    I can’t tell you what a great user-experience I’ve had so far with WordPress (compared to the others I’ve tried, or tried to try, such as Movable Type and Bloxsom).
    In large part, I attribute it to the amazing, amazing community here. Thanks so much for coming to my help like this, podz and “anonymous.”

    Thread Starter tqn69


    Hmm… the code for on the problem pages doesn’t look good. Any reference to the image is missing. Here’s what it looks like:

    <div class="post">
    <h3 id="post-14">x40 Side Shot</h3>
    <small>Tuesday, October 12th, 2004</small>
    <div class="entry">
    I’m testing an issue with pictures: in Archive and Categry views, the picture in a post doesn’t display. It’ll display correctly when the post is viewed from the blog’s front page, though. Here’s the picture:
    If you don’t see it . . .
    <p class="postmetadata">Posted in General | Edit | No Comments »
    <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="https://localhost/wordpress/index.php?p=14"
    dc:title="x40 Side Shot"
    trackback:ping="https://localhost/wordpress/wp-trackback.php/14" />
    </rdf:RDF> -->

    Odd, indeed.

    Thread Starter tqn69


    podz, thanks for the response.
    I am posting images with absolute URI’s. In fact, I just copy & paste the URI returned by WP after I upload. (For example,
    <img src="https://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/x40sideleft.jpg" alt="x40 Left Side" />.

    However, images still don’t appear in Archives or Categories view. (I’ll add that images appear correctly when browsing the Comments view, and on the front page. )
    The “edit post” issue: This resolved itself once I blew away my cookies, then specifically allowed localhost and to set cookies.

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