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  • @mdawaffe
    Thanks for the update. The error is gone!

    I found out the cause of that code dump. There’s a conflict between your plugin and the Broken Link Checker plugin (

    I have the same problem.

    Furthermore, if I try to create a poll, below the image of the poll, there is a metric buttload of raw code. Here’s a snippet:

    null BLOG NAME ? Polls — WordPress // * html { overflow-x: hidden; } /* */ /* */ fieldset.options { border: 0; padding: 10px; } fieldset.options p { margin-bottom: 10px; } #or_table { border: 1px solid #000; } #or_table th { border-bottom: 1px solid #777; } #or_table td { padding: .1em; border-right: 1px solid #bbb; border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb; } #sidemenu, #adminmenu, #dashmenu, #wpwrap #submenu a {display:none;} #lm { left:0px; list-style-image:none; list-style-position:outside; list-style-type:none; margin:0pt; padding-left:8px; position:absolute; top:4px; width:95%; overflow:show; z-index:80; } #lm li { display:inline; list-style-image:none; list-style-position:outside; list-style-type:none; list-style: none; margin:0 3px; padding:0; white-space:nowrap; float: left; width: 1*; margin-left:-4px;} #lm a { text-decoration:none; line-height:200%; padding:0px 10px; display:block; width:1*; } #lm li:hover, #lm li.lm_over, #lm li .topcurrent { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 2px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 2px; border-top-left-radius: 2px

    And so on. Deactivating this one until it’s fully baked.

    Thread Starter tqn69


    p.s. When Tagaroo and Zemanta are installed together, I can only see the Tagaroo tagging interface.

    And Tagaroo’s image insertion feature just seems broken, period. Can’t get it to insert pictures into the post.

    All’s well now. My posting problems (where after posting anything I’d see a pink bar across the top of an empty white screen) turned out to be plugin-related. It was caused by an older version of the GEO plugin, version 1.9. Owen must’ve changed the numbering scheme, because the lastest version that I downloaded from is version 1.0.

    In any event, GEO version 1.0 is compatible with WordPress 2.01.

    So now I can say… nice, bug-fixin’ upgrade!

    Me again. I can confirm that the PINK BAR posting problem also occurs when I try to publish a new Page.

    Here’s my problem. Upgraded per Tamba’s instructions. The upgrade went smooth as silk.

    Then I edited an old post and hit “Save.” Instead of what I normally see, I get a PINK BAR with the post ID on its left-hand side, at the top of a white screen. I checked under Manage and my edits did save.

    I created a new private post and the same thing happened. This also happened on a friend’s blog (hosted on a subdomain) that I just upgraded to 2.01.

    What the heck’s going on?

    This happened to me, too. Sadly, I had to deactivate Bad Behavior. I still use SpamKarma2, and have added Referrer Bouncer, and WordPress HashCash as anti-spam solutions. Bad Behavior still works nicely for my brother’s blog, which is a subdomain of my site. I wonder why my blog is blocked. Perhaps one of the many plugins I use? I don’t know. I don’t have time to do the troubleshooting.

    Stunningly beautiful. Very nice work!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP-ShortStat Release

    Good sleuthing. wp-shortstat didn’t work for me when I tried it out. I thought I was going crazy. I just tested it, with and without Google Sitemaps, and reproduced your results.

    I want to continue using Google Sitemaps. My workaround is to install the original ShortStat, rather than use wp-shortstat.

    Glad it’s working for you, swordfish.

    Increase font? I think the “10, 20” parameters displays “the links so that the least-used have a font-size of [10] pixels and the most-used are [20] pixels,” according to the documentation at So to increase the font, just increase those parameters.

    I don’t know how to remove repeated keywords. Yes, I think that if you have the same keyword & category, it’ll show twice. So I just avoid duplicating them.

    swordfish, to display the tags in your posts like I do at, I did this:

    In your theme’s post.php, insert this line, <?php the_post_keytags(); ?> below the existing line, <?php the_content(); ?>.

    To display tags in a section, you could create a new Page. Then, assuming that you have RunPHP installed, I imagine that you could insert this line of code into the Page:

    all_keywords('<a href="/blog/tag/%keylink%" style="font-size: %count%px">%keyword%</a>', '<a href="%keylink%" style="font-size: 12px ;font-variant: small-caps">%keyword%</a>', 10, 20)

    To put that “tag cloud” into your sidebar, like I did, you’d put the following code into your theme’s sidebar.php:

    <h2>Keywords: </h2>
    <ul><li><?php all_keywords('<a href="/blog/tag/%keylink%" style="font-size: %count%px">%keyword%</a>', '<a href="%keylink%" style="font-size: 12px ;font-variant: small-caps">%keyword%</a>', 10, 20) ?></li></ul>

    I hope that helps!

    This is a rich, beautiful theme you’ve created. The attention to detail is clear to see. It’s full of small visual surprises. Thank you!

    Swordfish, I use Jerome’s Keywords on my site and cannot recommend it highly enough. Yes, it does generate URLs in that style.

    @cbaisden: nice site, and thanks for the technique. However, I wanted to make get_links_list() work since it would be self-maintaining.

    @oriecat: I get what I want by doing this in index.php:
    <li><?php get_links_list('order'); ?></li>

    and this in style.css:
    #sidebar li {
    list-style-type: none;

    Unfortunately, the generated code isn’t valid XHTMLbecause those <li> tags ought to be wrapped in <ul> or <ol> tags.

    Yet, when I try to do the right thing (<ul><?php get_links_list('order'); ?></ul), the generated code doesn’t validate either, and combined with the Connection theme’s styles, causes the categorized links to nest in a peculiar way:

    <ul><li id="linkcat-1"><h2>Links</h2>
    <li><a href=''>Ask Metafilter</a></li>
    <li><a href='' rel='met sibling'>Henry Nguyen</a></li>

    <li id="linkcat-3"><h2>Listening</h2>
    <li><a href=''>KEXP 90.3 FM</a></li>
    <li><a href=''>Public Radio Fan</a></li>
    <li><a href=''>Tuner2</a></li&gt;


    So you see, I’m so close, and I’m going crazy!

    Any help is much appreciated!

    I’m happy with

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