Strawberry Jellyfish
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jellyfish Counter Widget] Shortcode showing instead of Counter in widgetYou probably want to quote the format string, although I doubt that would cause the issue described.
[jellyfish_counter start=759999 end=760212 direction=”up” format=”$000,000″ interval=10 tenths=false speed=200]
The only reason I can think of the shortcode showing is that the plugin isn’t actually active?
Anyway, I’ll assume that this is now resolved due to age.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jellyfish Counter Widget] Issue with Continuous Counterclosing because the last comment is offtopic and duplicated elsewhere
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jellyfish Counter Widget] Not workingThe counter has been confirmed to work width WordPress version up to 4.4
You should use the continuous counter option to run as you describe without resetting.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jellyfish Counter Widget] Broken in 4.4The counter shows on your link so I assume the issue is resolved.
Although the compatible tag hasn’t been updated for a while this plugin is fully functional on WordPress 4.4.
See working examples at which always kept up to date with latest WordPress release, at the time of writing this is 4.4
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jellyfish Counter Widget] Counter is going passed the end numberStill totally unable to reproduce the not stooping at end number as mentioned.
Is it possible that people are being confused by the tenth digit?
i.e 11 may look like 110 if the styles have been altered, bear in mind the is no actual separator . between the full number and the final tenth.chavalu, all your examples have a specific digit length set that is too short as you also have tenths enabled (the tenths digit is counted as a digit). Try either increasing the digits by 1 or adding
and I think you will see the result you are expecting.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jellyfish Counter Widget] Counter is going passed the end numberThanks for the reports.
If anybody who has experienced this can let me know the OS and Browser version they are using it may help to track this issue down.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jellyfish Counter Widget] Counter is going passed the end numberWhat options are you using?
That was just an example timestamp, you should change that to what you actually need.
If you use the current date and time with a start of 7784 you should get what you are after.
If the timestamp is in the past it will calculate the counter value from how many intervals have passed since the timestamp, so you could also make the timestamp 7784 intervals ago (7784 * 3255) seconds and the start value of 0 and you’d get the same result.
Likewise if the timestamp is in the future, the counter will stay at the start value until it passes the timestamp.
I suspect the 00000 you saw was just the end of a very large number, the other digits hidden because you are only showing 5
Hope all that makes sense
It’s not a caching issue, a counter is only aware of when it started and when now is and calculates the current value accordingly. That is why the continuous type of counter must have a timestamp.
Your problem is in your shorcode:
is not a valid timestamp, the counter can’t do much without knowing when it should have started. You need a timestamp with a date time in a format like YYYY-MM-DD H:MM:SS for example:
timestamp = '2014-09-28 9:20:21'
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jellyfish Counter Widget] Increasing Count By Random Increments?Yeah, this works if you want to include the counter in a template file rather than using it as a widget or shortcode in content.
There isn’t currently a random option that is accessible through widget or shortcode settings, although this is a feature of a future version. Coming sometime in the future
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jellyfish Counter Widget] Is it possible to generate random number?Hi Endres
I’m not sure this will help you all that much. Yes you could use the same approach to give any attributes values from php including things like digit-height etc. But responsive sizes should probably be dealt with within the counter JavaScript. This would need some major changes in how the counters are built because everything relies on specific pixel values at present. Sorry i don’t have any suggestions on how to approach this.
I’m working on a complete rewrite of the counter JavaScript for a future version of this plugin which will improve many things including responsiveness, use CSS3 animation etc. So don’t want to spend too much time on the current version which is a bit old school. But this won’t appear soon, my real work is keeping me very busy at the moment!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jellyfish Counter Widget] Issue with Continuous CounterIf you want a continuous counter you need the timestamp parameter to be a string representing when the counter was t it’s start value, the timestamp should be in this format yyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss so for example let’s assume the time is now 12am on 4th June and you want to start a continuous counter that updates every 5 seconds until it reaches the end value. You’d use this in your shortcode:
[jellyfish_counter timestamp="2015-06-04 00:00:00" start=578 end=15313 interval=5 .... ]
Note that you could also start the counter in the past to get the same result:
[jellyfish_counter timestamp="2015-06-03 23:11:48" start=0 end=15313 interval=5 .... ]
This si the same as the first version because you want to update every 5 seconds and start at 578 which is the equivalent of starting 2890 seconds or around 48.2 minutes ago.
That actually leads me onto another point, you may want to adjust the end / interval values in your original shortcode as at the moment your counter will only run for around 20 hours before it reaches the end value and stops.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jellyfish Counter Widget] Counter Shortcode Expertise HelpThat all looks reasonable, I can’t think of anything that would improve it using the current version of the plugin. (New features coming in future version(s) would make this kind of thing easier with less maths involved!)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jellyfish Counter Widget] Count up until an Ending TimeThere isn’t an inbuilt stop time, but you could probably do this with JavaScript & jQuery reasonably easily. There are a few useful public functions in jellyfish-odometer,js that you can access though the counter dom element.
For example, this would stop a counter with an id of #jellyfish-counter-shortcode-1:
So you could trigger some javascript on page load that stops a counter if the time is after 7pm or whatever you need. If you are generating a counter with a shortcode be sure to use the id parameter to set a unique id that you can use to target the counter in the javascript.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jellyfish Counter Widget] Is it possible to generate random number?That’s a method i hadn’t considered, you’re very close. If you swap the single quotes for double quotes and vice versa the you’ll get the $abc variable in the shortcode actually substituted by it’s value rather than appearing as a string “$abc”
This works:
<?php $abc=wp_rand($min = 15000, $max = 152000);?> <?php echo do_shortcode("[jellyfish_counter start=$abc end=$abc tenths='false'] ") ?>
Assuming you just want a static random value then the speed parameter is also not necessary.